1050 points to the wrong directions at roundabouts and turns

When approaching a turn or roundabout the direction arrow point to the wrong direction while the voice alerts the right exit or direction.

This happens all the time while riding in Australia.

I read that UK riders face similar problem.

Any solution?

  • I've had the same problems with every Garmin I've used (1000, 1030, 1030+, 1050) when riding in countries that drive on the left (UK and Australia in my case). Haven't ever observed it when riding in European countries that drive on the right. And the problem doesn't happen at every roundabout, only at some of them. I raised the issue on the 1030+ forum some years ago, but got no replies other than from other users who were seeing the same problems.

  • I can confirm the issue still exists on the latest maps. On a ride yesterday I had it again (see first image).

    As far as I can tell its only when turning right. The same roundabout didn't have any issues coming back (see second image)

    This is the roundabout


    Maps I have installed are 2024.20 (Europe Central, Eastern and Western)

  • I have recently completed my first road ride with navigation since FW12.16 update.

    i found some roundabouts that the directions were anticlockwise, i.e. the wrong way in Australia. The instructions were correct I.e. take the first exit, when going anticlockwise, should have been 2nd exit going clockwise.

    But it was NOT ALL roundabouts. So probably map related In guessing rather than firmware related.

    Also I’d never ridden those roundabouts before so have no background as if it’s a new bug or existing.