Bug - Elapsed time stops after going into sleep mode

I have two devices:

- Edge 1050 v9.11

- Edge 1030plus v6.75

What I noticed, that if I do a group ride, record it with Edge 1050 and upload to Strava and I check the Strava Flybys, my avatar doesn't take any coffee breaks, just continues to ride, while all the others are enjoying the coffee. Which is not a well representation of what happened in reality. This was not the case with Edge 1030plus.

I did a test, setup the data screen with timer and elapsed time and started the activity on both devices:

1. When I started the activities, all timers where showing the ~same numbers

2. When I paused the activity, elapsed time continued to advance, while timer was stopped on both devices

3. I put both devices into sleep (quick press on power button) and waited ~5 minutes. At this time the elapsed time was ~0:40 on both devices.

4. When I wake up the devices, and checked the timer, Edge 1030plus was showing 6:20, while Edge 1050 was showing 1:15.

It looks to me, that some short period after going into sleep Edge 1050 stops counting the elapsed time. Can we get this fixed? It prevents group activities to be merged together in Strava and also misrepresents time spent on segments.

  • Is auto pause configured the same on both devices?

  • Yes, auto pause is off on both devices.

  • I'm able to reproduce this and have created a ticket.

  • Hi, I hadn’t noticed the elapsed time specifically as I don’t have it on any of my data screens but I have noticed that when checking Strava after my group ride with the club that only 2 or 3 people are shown to have rode with me…. This usually shows the whole group of 15-20. Guess this issue with the elapsed timer stopping is causing this? 

  • Not sure that is the issue. Do you see the activity feed from these people. They maybe only sharing data with their followers..

  • As you see below. Last ride with the 1040 showing all 13 people I rode with. 
    Next ride with 1050 had 18 of us but only 1 showing as rode with me. 

  • I took another look at the data and I do see an issue where it could cause the type of issue you are reporting if the sleep period were long enough.

    @spiderbundy How long a period are you typically putting the unit to sleep for during an activity? On you next group ride could you try just leaving the unit with the timer auto-paused or leave the unit on, but stop and restart the timer. This would just be to confirm that using the sleep mode during an activity is the issue.

  • I have the same problem on my Garmin Edge devices. Today I went for a ride with my wife (Edge 840 running latest beta 24.11), after 30min we've stopped in a restaurant for ~30min. I've stopped activity on my 1050 and wife's 840 and immediately put both devices to sleep. Somewhere in the middle of the stop I woke up my 1050 to check remaining distance and put it back to sleep. When analyzing fit files I've found out that timestamp on my wife's device is off, it looks like she stopped for ~2min and me for ~30min. It happened on my 1050 in the past as well.

    Shouldn't device rely on a GPS data for timestamp? Here are two consecutive entries from GPX file of 840:

    <trkpt lat="50.0751120" lon="19.9946670">
    <trkpt lat="50.0750930" lon="19.9945680">

    and here is 1050:

    <trkpt lat="50.0750950" lon="19.9946890">
    <trkpt lat="50.0750950" lon="19.9944610">