Garmin connect has changed to Chinese on my Edge 1040 does anyone know how to get it back to English
Garmin connect has changed to Chinese on my Edge 1040 does anyone know how to get it back to English
I don’t see a language option within the garmin connect app through settings
I logged a ticket today and got following reply;
Hello Steve,
I recommend reaching out to Product Support through their website at Garmin Support directly to report the issue.
Don't hate me, but I downloaded the new version (actually is 26.12 not 26.11) and it worked for me.
Still having Garmin Coach sync issues, but at least I can read my settings now!
Eish, I've given up...Android, numerous restarts to both Edge and phone, forget edge then added again to Connect, swapping languages as above (which worked somewhat on IOS) ...joined Beta, updated to beta 26.12, no joy....
Thanks for the update hope in another week the new rollout resolve the issue and don’t cause more issue.
its been 3mth for them to resolve it.
Still an issue for me, 1040 seems fine, Connect app in iOS is chinese.
I still have this issue with 26.12
I have the same issue. I was told the Public Beta 26.12 would fix this problem, but I am still having this problem.
Did you get a response? Since I still see my edge in garmin connect in chinese..
I’ve install beta software 26.12 and it resolved the issue. Have you check ur Edge 1040 version is it 26.12. After I’ve update the beta version after my Edge reboot and my Garmin connect edge 1040 landing page are back to English.
Mine resolved once install beta version 26.12.
I confirmed it's on 26.12, I rebooted and factory reset, it's still showing Chinese.