Garmin connect has changed to Chinese on my Edge 1040 does anyone know how to get it back to English
Garmin connect has changed to Chinese on my Edge 1040 does anyone know how to get it back to English
I don’t see a language option within the garmin connect app through settings
I logged a ticket today and got following reply;
Hello Steve,
I recommend reaching out to Product Support through their website at Garmin Support directly to report the issue.
It's been a month now... I've also been added to this ticket.
Does anyone have an update from Garmin? I've asked last week, but haven't heard. Pretty disappointed to be honest.
I am amazed it takes Garmin so long to correct a simple fix.
When I connect to my Edge 1040 from the Garmin Connect IOS app, the menus appear in Japanese. Both the device menus and the app menus are set to English in the settings. I've tried changing them but no difference. How can I set them back to English?
Looks like this might be a duplicate of this issue:
Appatently not so american product any more...
Ok. Let’s just wait and pray
I just reported it on Thursday (9-Jan). Same response…They know about it, they are investigating it, and they’ve added my name to the case.
Same issue with Edge 1040. iOS 18.2.1, Garmin Connect App, Vivoactive 4 also showing up OK.
The same issue applies to me for so many weeks, without any solution. Tried suggestion as mentioned before through the change of language in app, not resolved though. Kindly ask from Garmin representative to add me to the notification/email when issue resolved.
Me too. Everything normal, except when I look at the 1040 device page within Garmin Connect (on iPhone). That screen (but not all of Garmin Connect app) is in Chinese. If I change the language for Garmin Connect app to something else -- say, German, everything is correctly in German. But when I change it back to English, the device screen is back in Chinese.