Firmware 24.18/24.19 Edge 1040 Solar - Wrong Pause Times

I'm having some very strange (obviously erroneous) situation with pauses: Did a ~ 30min pause that is reported as <2 min pause... my research shows: the beginning of a first pause during a training session is at the correct time, but the ending is wrong (too early). All the following events, measuring points etc. are then based on the wrong pause ending timestamp. All subsequent pauses are then also of course starting at a wrong time offsetting according to earlier pause(s) accumulating wrong times... as a result all trainings including pauses are faulty timewise... This needs urgent fixing as it impacts total times etc...

NB: When I speak of "pauses" I mean manually paused trainings. The autopause feature is turned of on my device.



I can confirm this error for 24.19 as well - changed title accordingly