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Firmware 24.18 - First impressions and comments

Today was the first day of driving with the new firmware and after two rides to/from work my conclusions are:

- Road Hazards reports
- The addition of the type of road surface we rode on in the activity summary in Garmin Connect


- No configuration of the radius/circle in which threat alerts are displayed. Thus, driving straight ahead we get an alert that is about 200m away on a side street. The ability to configure “circles” would be very convenient - something like ClimbPro - different levels of their inclusion.
- the size of the road alerts has been reduced quite a bit
- the “road hazards” reporting menu has equally miniature captions.
(the fact that after two/three uses you can learn by heart what an icon means, but still .... )
I hope Garmin, however, realizes that not all Edge users are 20-year-olds with perfect eyesight, but also slightly older users. Optimal would be the ability to configure in the settings:
- “small font/large font”.
- size of traffic alerts: small - large

Edit: 15.09.2024 

  • I agree, unless you have perfect eyesight, you can struggle with garmin.  I moved from 830 to 1040 so I could see the symbols more easily, and have been disappointed that some items were bigger on the smaller 830 screen.   I even added some LARGE TYPE fields to the garmin store for the 830.

  • When I tried scrolling around in the map screen it wasn’t refreshing. Had to swipe to a different screen and come back for a refresh 

  • Ok thanks. Did the map also freeze when just riding? That would be a bummer as that’s how I use it…

  • I'm having some very strange (obviously erroneous) situation with pauses: Did a ~ 30min pause at a café that is reported as <2 min pause... the beginning of the first pause during a training session is at the correct time, but the ending is wrong (too early). All the follwing Events, measuring points etc. are then based on the wrong pause ending timestamp. All subsequent pauses are the also of course starting at a wrong time offsetting according to earlier pause(s) cumulating wrong times... as a result all trainings including pauses are faulty timewise...

  • I have the same issue, when changing the zoom from 120m to 200m. The map view stops refreshing :-( Workaround is to go page up and down until the next freeze.

    Change the page while a Strava segement, results is device reboot... By the way: I updated the maps.

    I am trying now to fallback the firmware, also I am preparing my older older 1030 as fallback device. The 1040 is with latest firmware and maps for me (roadbike and MTB) useless.

  • Yes this is a known bug in the current 24.18 firmware release. There have been multiple reports on this, both in this forum and in the beta forum, but Garmin still has to fix it. The (reported) work around is to not let the device sleep during the pause but turn it off and resume the ride after turning it on again.