Edge 1040 (21.18) Drops All Sensors Just After Starting a Ride (when using ConnectIQ Data Fields)


I know there are threads regarding this issue, but they are all locked. So I cannot add to them. (Also found some on the Edge 840 forums eg https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-840-series/356573/all-sensors-disconnect-shortly-after-activity-start and https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-840-series/340641/840-drops-all-sensors-when-starting-an-activity#pifragment-1290=2

New Edge 1040 User here. Went on 3 rides so far. First ride no issues. Second ride the issues started and were exactly the same on the third ride. 

ISSSUE DESCRIPTION: When I wake the Edge 1040 all sensors connect, then when starting the ride right away the Garmin Dual HRM, Garmin Varia RTL 515 and the 4iiii Power Meter will drop. I need to power down the device and restart, then they will reconnect. Obviously I have to stop before I can do that. Not really ideal when you just took off (it is downhill from my home right away).

The only change I made between ride 1 and ride 2 was that I installed the ConnectIQ store and added 2 data fields: WindField and hGradeMax. I am on the latest firmware 21.18.

From what I've read, other users have had the same issue in relation to ConnectIQ. Over a year ago... This should really be fixed by now, because this literally breaks the core functionality of the device... I tested uninstalling the datafields also removed ConnectIQ from the device as I have read on those linked posts, that this may be a solution. IT DID SOLVE THE ISSUE.

However this is not a satisfactory solution. The sensors should work, even with ConnectIQ. I really like the WindField data field.

  • my above-described issue repeated today - all sensors got disconnected after few seconds into ride, and can't reconnect back no matter what, until Edge is restarted

    I had only 1 WindField IQ field on my datascreens. And I opened the datascreen early before the start, to check if WindField works ok, and if all sensors were connected - all looked OK, then I pressed start button.

    Interestingly all sensors got disconnected right upon the Edge's beep sound - it was a notification from the phone telling GCM has started sharing a LiveTrack.  These 2 events happened at same time, and possibly there's a connection - now my suspicion if on LiveTrack . I'll try now riding with LiveTrack switched off, and will report back in next few days.

  • The same problem here, when I wake the Edge 1040 all sensors connect, then after about 1 min (I didn't start activity yet) device drop all sensors and the only solution is to power down the device and restart, then after that sensors connect, I start activity and everything seems to work fine. The same story for every ride !!! This is new device that I used only few times. 

  • there is no problem with your device - it is just the usual latest garmin FW goes nuts syndrome, that comes with numerous new issues with every FW

    my 1040 is all the same - you just need to wait a minute and restart and that's all

    it is just kinda ceremony that all edge users need to dance before every ride, you will get used to it in no time, no worries ;)

    it won't solve the ridiculous nonsense grade issue, though :/

  • the only solution is to power down the device and restart,

    This, (power off rather than sleep),  is a solution to many many Garmin "problems" and only takes 5 seconds longer per ride, way less time than the hundreds of comments regarding "sleep" induced issues.

    PS Yes it is a Garmin problem but the edge devices are just less stable if "sleep" is used between rides rather than "power off", many issues are more frequent with "sleep" and the user initiated "solution" is effective (in my experience) and a very low impact burden (IMO). I also avoid "pauses" but as my club (Audax) rides are elapsed time based this is not a problem. the clock is "always" running.

  • I found an alternative solution to the full garmin restart and works 'most' of the time. After my sensors diconnect, I go back to the main screen with the activity still running and you change profiles. I have 3 profiles, Indoor, Road and MTB so when the issue happens, I change to another profile and wait a few seconds. You will see your sensors start to reconnect and after they are all live I switch back to the original profile. 

    I had the same problem with my 1030 and 1040 solar with and withtout the latest firmware (even with beta releases). I got fed up of these issues and I've been running only native Garmin data screens for almost a year with 0 sensor drops. I installed 3 CIQ data fields last week and already having the same issue.

    As everyone else is suggesting, this seems to be a CIQ software issue when using data connection. Something I recently noticed is that -sometime- when you do the profile switch, the CIQ component stops working by either not updating data or by showing the CIQ component failed little icon.