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Edge 1040 Solar with FW 21.18 crashing almost every other ride

Since the update to 21.18 I have not had problems with lost files, but quite a few crashes. In the last two weeks, it crashed 3 times during activities.

I'd be Just Riding Along, look down and see the Garmin logo flash up on the display. Sometimes the unit shuts down and I have to boot it up again, sometimes it reboots on its own. After the reboot I can resume the activity.

Has anyone else had this issue?

  • yes, it seems these crashes are related to a memory leak or memory allocation problems

    beside crashes, the screen on my edge many times just goes nuts and shows all kinds of artifacts, sometimes to the extent that it is unusable

    then (sometimes) it just goes away after a while, so if it does not affect important memory parts, it is resolved, if affects then it can crash even with some data loss

    last time even after a short ride (2 hours) the training load was zero after a crash..

    it is just a #JAGI, no worries (Just Another Garmin Issue)

  • FWIW my 1040 Solar has only ever crashed, mid ride, twice. Both times were after I'd when the unit for sleep having forgotten to fully shut it down after the previous ride, which I always do otherwise.