Edge 1040 Corrupted Activity Version 21.18

Hi All. I recorded a cycling activity today, and everything was normal till I went to save it. It showed the nutrition screen first as normal, then the training effect screen was blank, no numbers on any fields, then where I would normally be able to see the summary it was a blank screen with a message saying "failed to load ride details". On the home screen it shows a map of the activity, but all the fields like average speed, distance and time say zero. When I try to open it, it says the same message about failing to load the details. The activity did not sync to connect, so I downloaded it from the edge and tried to upload it manually, and connect said "We don't support the file type you tried to import". I tried to repair the file on https://www.fitfiletools.com, using the "corrupt time fixer", after which the activity did upload but it is missing much of the data, basically everything time related, like the charts, and it is also missing the GPS data. However, it still does not sync with my other devices, and it does not update the data in things like heat acclimation, training status etc., even though it does seem to have retained the training load data, and things like watts and heart rate as well. Anybody have any idea what could be done to fully recover the activity? Also, if anybody knows what could potentially cause this problem, I would be very interested to know.  I have uploaded the original activity and the "fixed" version in a zip. Should anybody have the time to have a look at them with more experienced eyes, any info would be much appreciated, thanks.

edge activities.zip