Edge 1040 Assioma Power meter sensor drop

I have a brand new Edge 1040 non solar version. 

I have the Assioma Uno power meter for a couple of years and had it connected to a Wahoo gps unit without any problems. 

Recently I noted some sensor drops during the ride. It disconnects for a couple of seconds and the reconnect again. I have even joined the Beta program and have updated with the latest version, but this is still happening. 

This is getting annoying.

Anyone else is having the same issue? 

UPDATE: Only having issues when connected over ANT+

  • Been using my Duo Shi with 1040 for last 9 months. No issue so far on upto 4 hours ride. 
    My 715 on the other hand keeps disconnecting when riding on busy road. 

  • Nope. Never had a drop with my duo-shi regardless of firmware.

    Used it yesterday with the latest non-beta firmware on a 9 hour 30 minute ride. Not a single drop. 

    My ancient GSC10 OTOH drops a gazillion times but that was also with the 1030. I just learned to ignore the sound and notification. Rofl

  • I have Assioma Duo pedals connected via ANT+ and have had no issues.  I have a different crank spindle based PM on another bike that that has repeatedly dropped out and reconnected using ANT+.  Switching the BT fixed the problem with that PM. 

  • I have Duo-Shi and have never had any issues. I've been using it for about a year now and ride around 8h per week, not one single signal drop.

  • Having simular problems with my Edge 1040 and Favero Assioma Duo's

    Favero tought this would be due to Bluetooth and Ant+ running combined.

    Had to make sure the pedals are correctly paired to your bike computer via ANT+ by following these steps:
    delete all the Favero Assioma sensors previously saved in your bike computer;
    - connect both pedals to the Favero Assioma App;
    - keeping the pedals connected to the App Favero Assioma (keep the app opened), connect the left one to your bike computer (in this way the connection should be via ANT+, considering the Bluetooth is kept busy by the App Favero Assioma). The right pedal will be automatically found during rides.

    This improved the situation for the connection drops. However i still get "--.--" (zero value) readings at irregular interval during rides.

  • depuis les 2 derniers firmware j'ai le même problème avec mon Assiomia  duo J'ai désinstallé Assomia de Garmin et réinstallé  sans amélioration

  • connecting my pro mx's to the 1040 solar via ant+ with zero issues whatsoever

  • I have the same problems with my brand new 540 solar. The assioma duo pedals drop out at fairly regular intervals and then reconnect automatically. Very annoying - I can't trust any of the data. I'll switch back to my Wahoo Roam as soon as the replacement device arrives.

  • Same issues here. Power meter connexion dropping randomly. Nothing helped improving the situation

  • For what its worth, after about 4 years of flawless connectivity, I started having the same problem as many of you here, random drops (in my case every few minutes) and reconnection to my 1040. Unfortunately I don't have a solution. The 1040 runs perfectly with HRM and Taxc. Just wondering if the Assiomas are getting old.