loss of sensor after putting the 1040 to sleep


Every time I take a long break I put the edge 1040 to sleep to avoid the beeps from the varia, and every time when I come out of sleep, I lose all the sensors, hrm, 4iiii, varia, speed sensor, some times the HRM stays connected, but it's rare
I press the synchronization of the sensors when coming out of standby, but the search never takes place, so I have to completely stop the 1040 each time and restart it so that the sensors are recognized again.
This problem has been present for about 6 months, before I did not have this problem and I could get around it by synchronizing the sensors, now the sensor synchronization no longer works, only functional when the 1040 is first started.

It's annoying to know that before it worked well and without changing sensors, over the updates it no longer works, so it's definitely an update problem

Also, since the last 2 updates, the Varia disconnects again as before although you had found stability with the update preceding these last 2.

This 1040 tears our hair out of our heads, I keep it only for its autonomy, because even for a long bikepacking navigation, not being able to place poi and know the distance which separates us from the poi during the course, it's shameful that this feature is not working correctly