Issue with Garmin 1040 Charging

Hey everyone,

I just had an issue with my Garmin 1040 during charging and I want to know if someone else has experienced the same behavior and if this is a potential problem with the device.

I normally ride around 6-8 hours per week, and the battery lasts for quite a long time, so I typically charge the device after 2 months of use. On Saturday, I went for a ride and encountered some rain (the device got a bit wet), but it worked properly throughout the entire 5-hour ride. When I finished the ride, the battery was at 9%, which was expected.

I got home and dried the device, leaving the charging port open to ensure it was completely dry before charging it. Today, two days later, I plugged it into the charger. After almost 2 hours, I noticed it had charged up to 73%, even reaching 74% while I held the device. Thinking it was taking a long time, I decided to switch to a more powerful charger, but as soon as I disconnected it from the charger, it jumped to 100%.

Has anyone had the same experience? Is this a problem with the device? Should I contact Garmin Service? Or is it a software issue? Could it be caused by the rain? There was no water in the charging port at all, even during the rain, and I left the charging port open at home to ensure it was dry.

  • I get this all the time. I'm pretty certain it's the 1040's inability to accurately show the correct figure, and that it doesn't reflect the state of the battery. 

  • Although it should be solved by Garmin, I am glad it is just a SW bug and it does not affect the functionality of the device.
    I didn't want to send it to Garmin, specially during the summer when I use it most.

  • I’m having problems with 1040 not charging when I plug into power outlet or PC. My device is only 12 months old. I have reset it by holding power button down for over 10 seconds but this hasn’t helped. 
    it shows charging on screen for about 5 seconds when I connect to PC or wall outlet but then display does not show charging symbol. 
    Display on device screen shows it is connected to PC but not charging. 

  • I don't normally hang around when I put my Edge 1040 Solar on to charge, but I happened to pass by it last night after it had been charging for a few hours.  It says 58% which struck me as odd as it started at about 45% and two hours is a long time.

    I forget why, but I unplugged it from the charger and manipulated it for a second, and it jumped to 78%.

    It was the least of its playfulness last night.  After a few more hours, it hit 100% and rebooted to come up with seemingly no background tasks running; big red X for sat signal, only one field showing on the home screen with no data in it (I don't remember which field it was), etc.  So I long-pressed its power to power it off.  Screen showed the power symbol like it was powering off, so I went to bed.

    Woke up this morning, and the screen was still showing the powering-off symbol.  I looooong-held its power button to force a complete reboot, and it came back with 87% battery and seemingly fully aware of its surroundings.

  • Yes even without a wet battery. Not sure what the root cause is