ANT+ sensors dropout. I've found a reason and solution.


My 1040 disconnects sensors at the same places every time every ride. And once I forget my phone at home and dropouts were not took place.

So I found the next solutions for Android smartphones:

- Fly mode resolve this problem.

- Internet OFF mode rosolve this problem.

- Internet mode "LTE only" resolve this problem. (To switch to this mode you have to enter to engineering menu by typing *#*#4636#*#*)

- Internet mode "only 2G" resolve this problem.

Automatic changing phones mode causes a sensors dropout: between LTE and 3G, between H+ and H within 3G etc. Only 2G and 4G modes have no automatic changes between internet standarts and so there is no sensors dropouts.

Many rides in different modes confirmed my version.

P.S.: BLE connection works fine.

  • I drive in an area where there is only 4G/LTE network - and yet, once in some random time ( once a month with daily driving ) I see a restart of connections to the sensors.

    Because the reason of these droputs is not your phone. Other interference may cause the sensors droputs.

    who has absolutely no idea how cellular networks work

    I want to listen your another great ideas to fix problems with sensors.

    I'm already riding a long time with "LTE only" without sensors droputs and always been connected with my friends and family.

  • If the device no longer meets your expectations then stop using it. Since Garmin can't solve a problem that has existed for many years, solve it by directing your money to another manufacturer. Simple. I personally would return this equipment to the vendor if I were experiencing such problems that the solution would be to reconfigure the way my phone is connected. 

  • I personally would return this equipment to the vendor if I were experiencing such problems that the solution would be to reconfigure the way my phone is connected. 

    You are right too.