Di2 Button Setup Prompt

Hello, a while back I started getting this prompt. It's starting to become annoying.

I've removed and reinstalled the sensor numerous times.

I've changed the channels back-and-forth.

I've gone over the software with E-Tube project, and everything is OK.

Firmware is up-to-date.

Di2 D-Fly channel shows 2 "unknown channels" alongside the appropriate Shifters. Any idea what those are and if it has anything to do with the issue?

  • My apologies for the late response.

    The junction box is located in the right hand side bar-end. I'm not exactly sure how they are wired up together. Never really paid attention to it.

    The D-fly is exposed at the center of the bike the in front of the stem. I'll see if I can snag you a few these photos.

    I haven't had a chance to write it since the last time so I will keep the final verdict off for a while, but hopefully it is just a faulty D-fly.

  • I have a bar end junction boxed originally a Y cable (EW-JC130) connected the two shifters leaving a port free on each shifter. A d-fly module (exposed) was connected inline to the cable to the junction box B which is located above the bottom bracket. This connects the battery to the front/rear mech and the shifters.

    I had an issue with junction box B after about a year and the part which caused a similar issue to you was Y cable because its as under bar tape and eventually was damaged.