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I have set the route colour to red and then blue but it always shows purply/pink colour also there are some red lines what are these for get confusing on a small screen I just want to see a route in colour of choice

Ok some questions I have set the route colour to red and then blue but it always shows purply/pink colour also there are some red lines what are these for get confusing on a small screen I just want to see a route in colour of choice

I have poor eyesight so need to make as easy as I can to read and extra colours makes it too hard.

  • The line that you’ve set to red is the history of the path that has already been covered in your ride.

    The pink lines are the track that was loaded and the calculated course that you are following (there can be 2 lines but they are mostly identical).

    Changing those requires editing map themes and there is a lengthy thread in the 530 forum here:


    Note that theme changes need to be saved to a new theme name as the standard Garmin ones are recreated upon startup.

  • Nonetheless the route lines look odd, would be better to see what the actual activity map looks like as both of the photos don't seem to be an actual ride, in the first the GPS fix has not occurred and no chevrons are evident and the second is more a map browse than an activity and the larger chevrons would indicate "Turn Guidance" is disabled or has not been applied to the route. (I hate the doubled chevrons on out & back two way routes, most confusing, sometimes suppressed & some not and you would think Garmin has the smarts to figure the direction of travel and only show the appropriate chevrons.) Notwithstanding "MapTheme" customisation the route lines are difficult to see for us "mature" riders, the calculated line (not on any of these pictures) is always wider so why can't we make the route wider especially if not using Turn Guidance. (line width/scale is available on Garmin car nav devices via the MapTheme)

    The red lines look more like "always display" courses than history lines?

    Navigation > Courses > Select Course > Course Settings (3 dots upper right of screen) > Always Display ?

    what is your software version, the line cutting the corner in picture 2 could be the “lock on road” bug prior to 17.29?

  • I have the most recent update as of yesterday 17.29 -always display is off and has always been off I have factory reset and they have gone so I will see if they return.

  • If you are new to Garmins this video is a very good introduction to 1040 navigation and what to expect

    There is another on that VeloGPS channel about screen setup.

    if you want Turn Guidance make sure it is enabled as sometimes new software versions or resets can reverse the current setting

    Navigation > Courses > Courses Setup (3 dots top right of screen > Turn Guidance Enable

    good luck