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Navigating a route problems

Trying to figure out how to fix this problem. On a route that downloaded into my 1040. When navigating sometimes it gives me 2 purple lines one with direction arrows. It’s alway the one with out  the arrows but sometimes there is 3? Way to confusing to try to navigate the route. Anybody no how to fix this? I have turned on and off about everything I know, and nothing seems to fix it. 
need help!!! Have a bikepacking race this weekend 360 miles and it will be almost impossible to use this. 

  • That didn’t go great but I managed with the help with Ride with Gps on my phone. Garmin how hard is it to just follow a route that you download? Please get this fixed!!!

  • this is supposed to be Garmin’s core skill, I think they have lost it

    Navigation is doing some really weird things in recent versions

    Screenshots very weird?

  • Yes that looks like my screen but sometimes 3 route options. Running 15.24 software 

  • As you probably know the darker (magenta) line with black borders is your loaded route, the pinkish lighter line (generally slightly wider and with the direction arrow decorations) is the 1040s attempt to map your route to roads on its internal map. The pink one might deviate from the route if it can not create a path along the roads in its map (maybe due to differences in the internal map and the map the route was planned on). Mostly the two routes are the same but differences can be apparent with high levels of zoom in.

    Some users (including me) have seen "ghost" routes on the map which are not the route being followed but some previously followed route (might be months previous and even many kms away), in these cases the arrows are generally on the ghost route.This seems to be a result of the navigation process using the previous "cached" version rather than the actual current version, also seems to be triggered by a loss of GPS fix and reconnection, like in a tunnel etc.

    Other users are reporting problems with "lock on road" even when it is disabled.

    But 3 or more routes? Might be some "always show" artefact , intentional or not? Do you have any "always show" routes?

    The beta posting above seems to be locked (although it does not say so) as I can't post a question on it. Garmins forum software is on a par with its device software?

  • Only have 1 route loaded at a time. Few weeks ago it was 520 miles route mostly off road. The Navigation was really bad and worthless. This weekend  it was 360 miles mostly off road again. Was a little better, change and turned off about everything I could find in the unit. Something on the option routes there isn’t even a trail to ride. 

  • Yes, a known issue.

    Today I have even shut down the gpsr because impossible to follow a track.

    Suddenly Ghost routes (pink) and the unit want me to follow that and it kept beeping.

    Turned it off,  I was lucky I was on a organized club route indications allong the way.

    Will look for a 1030, this unit is useless when navigating (my main purpose)

  • I managed to get rid of ghost routes (and also calculated magenta routes drawn even with Turn guidance = off) by resetting and NOT importing backed profiles when prompted. I don't know if it was a consecuence or just a coincidence, but since then I can follow just my loaded courses without distractions and many useless turn messages.

    However, the problem of "Lock on road" remaining always on, persists.

  • So a complete reset with setting up the device from scratch?

  • So a complete reset with setting up the device from scratch?

    Exactly, and above all, also building your custom profiles from scratch modifying the default templates.