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I can't get rid of calculated route.

When I start riding my course,1040 adds its own calculated route with their own TBT associated points.

These TBT points:

  1. Frequently activates my map page with loads of meaningless or even wrong instructions.
  2. Populates my "WPT NEXT" with TBT names that I'm not interested in. I prefer my custom course points names.


  • Edge 1040 v14.50
  • Saved courses >Turn guidance > Disabled
  • Saved courses >Off course warnings > Disabled
  • My course > 3 dots menu > Routed calculation - cached > Remove from cache Heavy check mark
  • Activity profile > Alerts and Prompts >Sharp Bend Warnings > Disabled
  • All maps disabled

My own course: purple

Calculated route: pink

NOTE: don't know if it matters, but after deleting Route calculation cache, It is inmediately cached again.

  • There was an error in the copy/paste

    This time course points:ON 

    It was a track from a ride someone else made (don't know how it was made, will ask)

    I was heading to another point to go on the track but the track I want to ride was visible with the chevrons)