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I can't get rid of calculated route.

When I start riding my course,1040 adds its own calculated route with their own TBT associated points.

These TBT points:

  1. Frequently activates my map page with loads of meaningless or even wrong instructions.
  2. Populates my "WPT NEXT" with TBT names that I'm not interested in. I prefer my custom course points names.


  • Edge 1040 v14.50
  • Saved courses >Turn guidance > Disabled
  • Saved courses >Off course warnings > Disabled
  • My course > 3 dots menu > Routed calculation - cached > Remove from cache Heavy check mark
  • Activity profile > Alerts and Prompts >Sharp Bend Warnings > Disabled
  • All maps disabled

My own course: purple

Calculated route: pink

NOTE: don't know if it matters, but after deleting Route calculation cache, It is inmediately cached again.

  • Same problem here, waiting and hoping for a solution.
    This is my first (of many) gps units that made me lost while riding a track.....
    Well done @garmin

  • Ok, today I did a bike trip.
    I loaded a track and before I went, I cleared it from cache and also set te course points > OFF

    On the map I had the track with the chevrons, so all ok.

    Then I pressed "ride" and off I went.

    At a point the road was closed so I had to leave the track.
    To my suprise NO CALCULATION!
    (I almost fell of my bike so supprised I was)

    When I was back on the track it said "track found" and nothing else happend except for the chevrons, they were gone.

    So it didn't recalculate and no ghost tracks.
    Was this because I set courese points off?
    Was it a lucky shot?

    Time will tell I guess.

    Only would like te chevrons to stay without the need to reload the track)

  • What software version?

    Was Turn Guidance ON or OFF?

    Lack of chevrons is usually an indicator that you have a ghost course and the chevrons are on it and not your loaded course, the ghost might not be encountered as it can be a long way away.

    Logically Course Points setting should not make any difference but this is Garmin programming logic so perhaps it does?

    Keep testing

  • Turn Guidance OFF.

    I passed some places I alread passed once, but didn't see a ghost track.
    Actually the only thing I changed to previous rides was Course Points setting to off.

    Next ride I try a route from last week.

  • And software version, gone to 17.26 yet or previous 16.x?

  • Even if they haven't actually changed anything related in 17.26 the install of a new software version is somewhat like a reset, clearing persistent variables etc so could change behaviour, You might have to zoom out to a large extent to see if the ghost shows up. If TG is OFF there is no reason the 1040 needs to redraw a route so no reason the chevrons should disappear.Garmin shows no indication they agree there is anything wrong with navigation, TG enable/disable, ghost courses and chevrons going AWOL.In the past I can't reliably make it happen, always random.

    I will install 17.26 myself this week and see if I can see anything odd.

  • Did a ride on sunday.

    Gps on and fix.
    Select the track I want to ride
    Course points off, delete route calculation in cache.
    I was not yet on the track, no mention to navigate to the start.
    The moment I came on the track, the unit started to show navigation arrows and beeps (navigation is off, recalculate is off)
    I stopped navigation by touching the screen and press stop navigation, the chevrons are gone and I see only the track.

    When I go off te track nothings happens.
    When I get back on the track the unit says track found and nothing else.

    I rode where I rode before and didn't get ghost tracks.

    So half satisfied, at least I didn't get lost...

  • Second ride. (Copy/paste previous text)

    Gps on and fix.

    Select the track I want to ride
    Course points off, delete route calculation in cache.

    Always on map: on

    Turn guidance: off

    Off course warning: off

    I was not yet on the track, no mention to navigate to the start.
    The moment I came on the track, the unit said track found, chevrons gone, no navigation, no recalc, no guidance arrows, no beeps,....

    When I go off te track nothings happens. (2 deviations ending the ride)
    When I get back on the track the unit says track found and nothing else.

    Again except losing the chevrons all was ok...

  • The moment I came on the track, the unit said track found, chevrons gone

    Were the chevrons visible before you reached the track?

    Does your course have Course Points, I use them but mostly a mix of custom and some created for turns from the planning software (RWGPS)