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I can't get rid of calculated route.

When I start riding my course,1040 adds its own calculated route with their own TBT associated points.

These TBT points:

  1. Frequently activates my map page with loads of meaningless or even wrong instructions.
  2. Populates my "WPT NEXT" with TBT names that I'm not interested in. I prefer my custom course points names.


  • Edge 1040 v14.50
  • Saved courses >Turn guidance > Disabled
  • Saved courses >Off course warnings > Disabled
  • My course > 3 dots menu > Routed calculation - cached > Remove from cache Heavy check mark
  • Activity profile > Alerts and Prompts >Sharp Bend Warnings > Disabled
  • All maps disabled

My own course: purple

Calculated route: pink

NOTE: don't know if it matters, but after deleting Route calculation cache, It is inmediately cached again.

  • Turn off "Off Course warning" AND/OR "Sharp Bend Alerts", at lest one of them requires the pink line to be calculated even if TBT is turned off. But I don't recall which of the two it is. 

  • You do not have to disable the maps to solve this. 

  • Ok. I think is the only setup change Ive not tried. I assumed that "Off course warning" was always referring to deviations from my course. I'll give a try.

    And I thought that disabling the routable map below, there were no chance to plot a calculated route, but Im wrong. Which map is using then?


    EDIT 1: no way. Ive disabled Off course warning but it remains with its chevrons and turn arrows.

    I'll try to delete this course, maybe it has left some stubborn trace somewhere...

    EDIT 2: I deleted the problematic course but even so, it was leaving the old trace a few times until I think Ive manage to delete it permanently and turning off guidance and off course warnings seems to work, at least at home. Now I just see my course with no chevrons, no arrows. I will see when riding. Perhaps it was a corrupt file.

  • The cache function executes when a course is processed from Newfiles to Courses (as far as I can follow/infer). The cache process seems to create files in the CALCS and POINTCACHE directories on the 1040. Your problem matches what I and others have seen with “ghost” courses (feral pink route, chevrons on pink route and not on magenta, turn instructions from ghost course, odd reroute messages / options) and these can occur even with Turn Guidance disabled. I have reported this as an error but had no solution offered. Maybe try deleting files in the CALCS & POINTCACHE directories?

    ps, do you power off or just sleep your device, some aspects of map processing only occur at power off/on and persist between uses if devices is slept

  • I don’t see any course point symbols on your route (in the yellow circle) , does the instruction in the guide text on top of the map relate to your magenta route or the pink calculated (ghost) route?

  • The instructions is related to the ghost pink route,, I know which place is it, an industrial area.towards the north. My magenta course is oriented to the south. Magenta course have some custom course points, but a little further.

    I was playing around setup and menus a lot of time, dont remember what I exactly did.

  • It is not caused by anything you have done, is a subtle bug that has been reported under various forum topics over the last few months because different people see different aspects of it. First battle is getting Garmin to acknowledge it is real and then getting them to fix it. Most users who see this problem don't get it all the time so difficult to demonstrate as it is not intentionally reproduceable, hopefully your next course is OK

  • No way.

    This mornig I rided a course.

    All susceptible features of using routing > disabled (Turn guidance, Off course warning, Sharp Blend Warning...), except perhaps Popularity Routing.

    My course is about 12 km but 1040 insists on "calculating" the pink route, this time putting the end point at km 1 aprox fron the beginning, so that the distance to dest field was 0 when i reached it..

    Off course, DIST WPT not well populated with my custom course points.

    At this point, I don't think I understand anything about how the Garmin's 1040 routing algorithm associated to my course works: sometimes the pink route comes from a previuos route (even deleted from device), sometimes turning off guidance plot no pink routes and sometimes it does, when I get no calcutated pink route my course has chevrons and sometimes it hasnt (I think...). 

    I sense that there is some problem when syncing routes from Garmin Connect, but need more testing...

  • I’m glad to see I’m not the only one getting this. I agree that it is inconsistent, but persistent. I love the battery life and big screen of the 1040, but this mapping behaviour is head wrecking.