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New Edge 1040 Series Public Beta 14.12 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 1040 Series has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found in the link below. 


  • For any issues that you encounter please fill out the form included in the download and attach it to an email to [email protected]. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Change History

Changes made from version 12.16 to 14.12:

  • Added support for Ebike Smart Range
  • Added Music Control widget
  • Added support for Intensity Minutes
  • Added support for Fitness Age
  • Added climb markers to elevation graph
  • Added support for the Tempe temperature sensor
  • Added support for Connect IQ glances on the home screen
  • Added Segment Time data field
  • Added support for startup.txt
  • Added support for turning off Daily Suggested Workout on main menu
  • Added support for returning to training loop using Di2/Edge Remote buttons
  • Improved capitalization behavior on the keyboard
  • Improved turn prompt responsiveness
  • Improved auto-pause responsiveness
  • Fixed issues related to Connect IQ
  • Fixed issues related to Real Time Settings
  • Fixed issues related to solar gain reporting
  • Fixed potential freeze with specific map locations in Europe
  • Fixed issues related to map zooming
  • Fixed issue with disabling turn guidance
  • Fixed various bugs and improved product stability

Changes made from version 12.15 to 12.16:

  • Fixed Di2 missing Full Synchro Shift front ring change warning
  • Fixed WiFi password text entry limitation
  • Fixed Right Power Sensor Missing error text

Changes made from version 12.11 to 12.14:

  • Fixed sensor dropouts when using Connect IQ data fields
  • Fixed Power Guide not working for users with high FTP
  • Fixed workout page being removed from the timer loop
  • Fixed segment data screen data fields
  • Improved product stability
  • Yep, confirmed.  Threshold with 5 steps, blank when opened and no targets if you try and ride the session.

    Edit: As others have reported, following day it is ok.

  • Remote control does not work on this beta. Long press does move screen backwards as it does in previous versions. Pitty.

  • The calories calculation-transmitting seems to have a bug. Finished a ride and the ride detail says 3382cal. (which is fine for the distance) but the daily calories overview shows 6186 active calories. I'm also wearing a Forerunner 955.

    With previous 12.16 the calories calculation was fine. 

  • it happens to me too.
    In the activity sheet: 1312 Kcal, in the daily summary 994 Kcal
    I write to Garmin Connect app support for this, waiting for response.

  • just finished the first ride with the beta, here are a few impressions. Please note #2, there is an issue that needs addressing.

    1) Navigation works as expected, the turn prompt pop ups seem to be more responsive (pop up at a reasonable prior to the turn and close immediately after), also navigation pause works as expected.

    2) Return to the training loop with Di2 buttons works as expected and presented no issues. Note, on Di2 button setup, I use the left shifter to go “left” or back, and right shifter to go “right” or forward in the loop…currently, though that is the setting as designated, the loop ONLY advances regardless the button used. Please address this on the final release.

    3) Fitness age works, as well as Intensity minutes.

    4) I am in Europe, no freezes on the map during activity or after.

  • Same here.

    previous page with Di2 button does not work only next page.

  • For any issues that you encounter please fill out the form included in the download and attach it to an email to [email protected]. 

  • Di2 previous page doesn't work for me either

  • Programado el pulsador Di2 izquierdo para retroceder pantallas de datos, estas no retroceden, sino que pasan a la siguiente pantalla. Comprobada la correcta programación del pulsador, el problema persiste. El pulsador derecho si Avanza pantallas, pero el retroceso hay que hacerlo de forma táctil.
    Al hacer menos zoom en el mapa, no se mantiene y vuelve por si solo al zoom por defecto.

    La pantalla de datos IQ SPH Graph - SPHGraWH ha dejado de mostrar el valor de temperatura en la esquina superior izquierda y solo muestra un nulo.