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New Edge 1040 Series Public Beta 14.12 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 1040 Series has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found in the link below. 


  • For any issues that you encounter please fill out the form included in the download and attach it to an email to [email protected]. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Change History

Changes made from version 12.16 to 14.12:

  • Added support for Ebike Smart Range
  • Added Music Control widget
  • Added support for Intensity Minutes
  • Added support for Fitness Age
  • Added climb markers to elevation graph
  • Added support for the Tempe temperature sensor
  • Added support for Connect IQ glances on the home screen
  • Added Segment Time data field
  • Added support for startup.txt
  • Added support for turning off Daily Suggested Workout on main menu
  • Added support for returning to training loop using Di2/Edge Remote buttons
  • Improved capitalization behavior on the keyboard
  • Improved turn prompt responsiveness
  • Improved auto-pause responsiveness
  • Fixed issues related to Connect IQ
  • Fixed issues related to Real Time Settings
  • Fixed issues related to solar gain reporting
  • Fixed potential freeze with specific map locations in Europe
  • Fixed issues related to map zooming
  • Fixed issue with disabling turn guidance
  • Fixed various bugs and improved product stability

Changes made from version 12.15 to 12.16:

  • Fixed Di2 missing Full Synchro Shift front ring change warning
  • Fixed WiFi password text entry limitation
  • Fixed Right Power Sensor Missing error text

Changes made from version 12.11 to 12.14:

  • Fixed sensor dropouts when using Connect IQ data fields
  • Fixed Power Guide not working for users with high FTP
  • Fixed workout page being removed from the timer loop
  • Fixed segment data screen data fields
  • Improved product stability
  • The device doesn’t take updates that are copied into the folder.  It will simply ignore it.  It’s not possible to use beta versions, nor official versions.  Customer support had in fact recommended that I try to fix the bugs I had by installing the new software.  Then they found out to their own surprise that it is not possible.

  • Is the unit a regional version?

  • Alpha, beta, and also gamma.  After software is officially released it takes another 4-6 weeks.  It can be very irritating.  I had my Felix 6 suffer from bad battery drain (for trying to connect to an inReach) for an additional month or two, well after the bug had been fixed for customers in several other countries.

  • I can understand your frustration but consider yourself lucky to at least have a supply of devices. My region (Australia/NZ and a few others) has had no or minimal available units since release. A month after the release there was a tiny number of non-Solars  in a handful of local on-line retailers but not Garmin itself, sold out in 3 days and nothing since, this week some Solars were available, (I don't need a solar & they are 30% more here), in same retailers & via Garmin, overseas retailers are not permitted by Garmin to ship here, the non-solar is listed on Garmin local site as being "available to ship in 5 - 8 weeks", when I complain to Garmin they have no comment or explanation for the delay when the rest of the world seems to have supply, we (incorrectly apparently) thought ourselves fairly important. I thought perhaps an Explore 2 (not the "power" model), might be an alternative but "available to ship in 5 - 8 weeks", the numbers don't decline until magically become "1 - 3 business days", so I assume local gamin doesn't have a clue either?

  • Yes, that's true.  Counting myself very lucky to have one.  I kept an eye on the online store nearly daily, then figured it would likely appear exactly a week after the FR955 would be introduced locally, and upped the frequency.  Managed to score the 1 solar unit that was available at Garmin's online store.  Felt a little bad two days later when I saw my local bike store had a few on display as I would have liked for them to earn something on it.

  • That's the thing.  It is simply purchased from Garmin online and labelled an Edge 1040 Solar.  There is no indication whatsoever that it would be regional, but then it seems every unit is regional, whether that is US, Norway, or anywhere else.  I understand the same is true for say Apple devices.  However they don't let some of their customers wait an additional 4-6 weeks for bug fixes or security updates.  It also baffles me that the coding is done in such a way that it requires that much time to rework it.  That some updates even get skipped.  Can't there be a simple region of country toggle that indicates during compiling what bits of code should and should not be applied?  In the meantime I will provide a review on their online store to warn customers that if they want their bugs fixed faster, they should order from Amazon.  They are officially not so important to Garmin.

  • Today i checked intensity minutes, and it seems it does not sync to connect. On Edge itself its working(connect says still 0 minutes after restart and sync multiple times on Bluetooth ), but the appearence is strange because the dot is at saturday and the ride was on friday. See the picture.

  • The daily workout is back today. I suspect it was a glitch affecting just during the upgrade day.

  • ¿Se sabe algo sobre el cuadro negro en el gráfico de desarrollo del Di2? ¿Está solucionado? Gracias

    Lo he comprobado yo mismo, lo han solucionado.

  • Fixed issues related to map zooming

    Unfortunately not fixed, the map zoom resets after a few seconds both zooming in and out. Changing the "auto zoom" setting does not affect this behavior.