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EDGE 1040 Crashes at Off Course Warning - ReRouting Bug FW 10.12 & also 10.15

Edge 1040 crashes (always) when I am getting off the course.

Following options I am using at Navigation - Courses - Menu upper right:
1. Turn Guidance - OFF
2. Off Course Warnings - ON
3. Activity Profile Settings - Navigation - Routing - Course Recalculation: Prompt with Auto Re-route

Device is always crashing (reproducable), means: I am driving off course and device shuts down and restarts. I can continue riding, and at least I am not losing previous ridden km´s/miles.
It also crashes if I try to click the promted message.

I switched off the "Off Course Warnings".

WHAT I NOT TRIED SO FAR (anybody else maybe?):
To use Promt only or use Auto-Reroute in Profile Settings.
This also could help to prevent the crash situation.

Anybody else ran into this problem?

Best regards


  • Have the same Config as Ingo and the same Problem. Firmware 14.50

  • Same exact problem, especially with longer routes...happened today on an 82 mile goodness is this thing buggy...I ordered it on launch day...I am usually the bleeding edge type, so I knew I would be in for a ride....but MONTHS later and some glaring bugs that should have been squashed by now....

    I have a Fenix 7 Solar, Edge 530 and Edge 1040 Solar along with a bunch of other Garmin goodies, and this has to be far and away the worst launch I've seen in years. 

    Another routing bug I have had on all software versions that drives me nuts is that the course will not show on live track from the 1040....if I need to be able to broadcast my livetrack to friends or family, as I did today....I need to double record on my Fenix and Edge and share my livetrack from the Fenix so the live track recipients know where I am actually going... Between that and the crashes, I will probably need to double record by default.

  • Same problem here. I just did 600k ride. My edge crashed at least 50 times. I lost about 30k of data as I continued to ride while the unit restarted. Very frustrating. Seems like a valid reason for a warrantee return.

  • Is there an err_log.txt file in the Garmin\Debug folder that you can send to Garmin Support or share here. They would also likely want the course file you were using and your activity file to reproduce the issue

  • Hi, There is a log-File but without any note relevant to the issue (only some issue of today, playing with the 1040). I will send it anyway together with the oder files. Please tell me where to send them.

  • Just wanted to chime in and say that I just ran into this problem on firmware 14.50 and my turn guidance was enabled. I haven't yet tried the workaround of disabling Off Course Warnings yet.

    My 1040 fully rebooted itself mid-ride a few seconds after I deviated from my course.

  • I contacted support twice. I just got off the chat with them. Error logs were uploaded. I suggest that anyone else who is having this issue do the same. The more folks that contact support will help them find the issue and fix.

  • Thank you all for your participation in this thread, if you would like to be involved in this investigation, please send me a direct message referencing this thread. 

  • Has this been fixed?  Its constant with mountain biking.