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UT800 and Varia RTL light network not forming

I have a couple of problems with my lights. The light and radar did not transfer across from my 1030 to 1040 Solar (not a big issue as the other 20 odd did).

1. I can pair the UT800, but it never connects continually saying "searching". I have removed, rebooted and re-added multiple times, with no joy. However, the 1030 will happily connect.

2. The radar pairs fine and the radar works perfectly as expected. However, the lights always say "disconnected". Again, I have tried many pair, unpair, reboot sequences.

Has anyone else encountered issues like this? Or, any suggestions?

  • I also have problems with the RTL515. On my Edge 530 everything was working very well. But I've got a 1040 since 2 weeks and I have the same problems as descriped in the other posts. No network for the light, radar seems to work most of the times. All of my other sensors (heartbeat, powermeter, shifters, deraillers, speed) they all are working fine.

    And Garmin you can contact me directly

    I live in Holland

    I tried to remove everything and connect again, unit back to factory settings

    I have has several problems with this on the 1040 since the beginning and with all versions for the firmware since.  The only solution i have found is; remove all sensors. then add the RTL devices( yes 2 work)  first.  NOTE must be first with no other devices know the the edge.  when adding them wait a few minuets, the radar will detect, and then the light network will be formed eventually.  (Not i use 2 (2nd when the battry runs out) because i do long audax rides over 20 hours).
    no the bigger problem comes when you want to  "switch on: a device whilst the is an activity recording". The network will not form whilst the ride is being recorded.
    work around: go to sensors: switch off  radar sensor  EDGE->sensors->radar->settings (both if using 2).  switch off the RTL (both if using 2). now with the RLD decive(2) off swith back on the radar sensors you want., Whilst it says searching, switch on the RTL and the network should form.

  • None of my sensors reliably connect with 830 so i don't have high hopes generally. Light network software is the problem. Bontrager app will help only one bug with headlight not able to switch to flash mode, otherwise, it's still using Garmin software to talk to sensors. The Light network is so random in connecting to lights, just can't ride with that. What's ridiculous it's enough to search for sensors (can cancel immediatelly) to recover connections.

    I even have Garmin remote control, that one never ever connected to the unit automatically.

  • So 10 months on and a lot of working with support, my unit was replaced with a new one. The new one works exactly as expected and appears to be rock solid (more testing/use required to really confirm this).

    So bit thanks for Garmin support for swapping it over.

    [Side note: it also fixed my other two problems]

  • My Edge 1040 too has difficulties to form a lights network with multiple lights. I'm reporting from Germany and you may contact me directly.

    - Edge 1040 non-solar, FW 16.13
    - Varia RTL515, FW 3.33
    - Bontrager Flare RT, FW 1.024
    - Bontrager Ion RT, FW 1.027
    - several PMs (P2M and Stages), Speed Sensors (Garmin, OSync) and HR strap (Garmin rigid); all without problems afaik (no drop-outs in Golden Cheetah)
    - older SRAM Red shifters occasionally re-connect
    - no Phone connection or WLAN active
    - light-network configured to start the lights on timer start

    The Varias light and radar are connected. The radar is basically allways available, de- and reconnects only very seldom during rec/ride, never deconnects permanently (by its status icon).

    If all lights are available (Bontragers lights off but Ant+ in standby) and Edge and Varia where off (Varia switched on first or vice versa), formation of the lights network usually fails (in rare occasions it just works.), typically max. 1 Bontrager is recognized, the other lights have wrong states even after some minutes. It does only recognize the Varia light once the timer is started and most times then still requires to switch lights off and on again once under "sensors", to include them all into the network.

    If only either the Bontragers or the Varia are available, or if the Varia was in standby (after having been part of a sucessfully formed light-network), everything works as expected, ...most of the times ;-)

    If the Edge starts out of standyby, formation of the lights network seems to be even less robust and predictable unless the Varia kept in standby.

    De- and reconnecting the lights, radar and even other sensors did not impact the behaviour.

    I have the Smart Bike Light ConnectIQ datafield configured (no individual light-network atm), but that seems to depend on Garmins light-network (and works flawlessly, if Garmins light-network is established) and the problems remain, if the datafield is erased from the Edge.

    The Flare RTs charge state as displayed by the Edge very often does not reach full, although the runtime turns out to be sufficient. Only sometimes it shows green and regular depletion. Same behaviour for three lights, even when new, out of the box. OK for the Varia.

    Wouldn't it be helpfull, to use this thread somewhat bi-directional, that is have your developers share some insights, theories or approaches here too?

  • same experience. individual light network -> problem fixed. without it, sensors would be returned back to shop.

  • Update: most recent build (17 something) has not dropped lights mid ride and connects 95% of the time at startup. Much more reasonable. Thank you. Radar rarely drops also.