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UT800 and Varia RTL light network not forming

I have a couple of problems with my lights. The light and radar did not transfer across from my 1030 to 1040 Solar (not a big issue as the other 20 odd did).

1. I can pair the UT800, but it never connects continually saying "searching". I have removed, rebooted and re-added multiple times, with no joy. However, the 1030 will happily connect.

2. The radar pairs fine and the radar works perfectly as expected. However, the lights always say "disconnected". Again, I have tried many pair, unpair, reboot sequences.

Has anyone else encountered issues like this? Or, any suggestions?

  • What software version on the 1040 are you running?  Thanks. Glad to hear you got it working. 

  • I may have done it this way also.  I couldn’t remember exactly.  All I could remember was deleting all the sensors and adding again seemed to make it work for me.

  • I had the exact same problem. my solution was ro remove all sensors. add the Varia first. one that was connected properly , then add my pedals and chest strap.

    If didi check and all have the latest firmware


  • I had the exact same problem. my solution was ro remove all sensors. add the Varia first. one that was connected properly , then add my pedals and chest strap.

    If didi check and all have the latest firmware


  • I returned my 1040 Solar and picked up a non-solar 1040.  The new 1040 connects to my lights, radar, pedals, Epix, and Di2 with no issues.  I suspect that there is a bad batch of 1040s out there.  I probably should of grabbed another solar version but wasn’t expecting it to change anything - pleasantly surprised and will keep the non-solar 1040.  Good luck to everyone. 

  • I have yet to hear of a sure fire solution other than swapping out 1040s. A few folks have been able to get things to work by deleting all devices and re-pairing but that hasn’t worked for everyone. Nothing from Garmin as far as I know. I returned mine for a new one and haven’t had any issues. 

  • Most of the time when I pause the ride and turn off (sleep) 1040 during long stays for a coffee/lunch. After it rear radar (515) always connects while UT800 every 4 of 5 times not connects to the edge unit - it wakes up with strong light (i mostly use pulsing high visibility mode) but not connected or connected but not operational from the head unit. 

    Sometimes one more sleep/wake procedure helps, but not always. I could delete it from the light section of sensors and then reconnect but it also not always works... 

    I'm very frustrated - both are completely new, UT bought only two weeks ago - the latest firmware installed:-(

  • Same exact issue here. Just bought my 1040 and Varia, reset everything several times, can't get the Varia to recognize on the 1040 :( Need a solution. 

  • I'm on the current build; when I form a light network with my rtl515 and Ion 200rt I can't get the head unit to control the sensors as I'd like. The radar doesn't auto-on with the head unit (or off). I also can't set it to remain on flash setting. The ion 200rt is also experiencing similar issues (doesn't power on when play button is pressed).