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What about Gradient Lag?

Can anyone report if Garmin have fixed the issue that the 1030+ has with ridiculously long responses to changes in gradient?

  • it is a SW problem. From one SW to another different readings. Every one who I know in person with edge x30 and x40 has this problem.

    The hottest topics of the edge x30 and x40 forums are elevation related

  • I haven't had elevation or delayed gradient problems with the 1030. 

  • On page 51 of this thread you published a video climbing a street with massive elevation lag.
    I stated, there must be something wrong with your device.

    I‘m just back from my today‘s ride with Edge 1040. I tryied to make „the same“ video.
    Please look at the fields left bottom (Altitude / Höhe) and right bottom (Grade / Neigung). Altitude is taken directly from Garmin, while Grade is my own algorithm - based on Elevation change and distance.

    (climb is not that steep as a stated in my video comment…
    and I‘m not that strong as it seems - it‘s an ebike Turbo Levo Wink )

  • haven't had elevation or delayed gradient problems with the 1030. 

    Edge 1030 was way better than Edge 1030 plus! In my estimation, 1030+ and 1040 are the same. Not soo good, but not sooo bad.
    (see my video in above posting)

  • It was introduced with the 1030+. Same as the 530, 830 and now 1040. 

  • @Garmin Matthew I've been using the Garmin Edge 1040 Solar for several months and until one software update, I had no problems with altitude and grade. It was following a software update 18.xx in late July that all of a sudden, altitude and grade started displaying erroneous values. And so far, no new update has corrected the bug. I know that for some people, the grade display isn't important, but for a Swiss cyclist like me, who rides mainly in the mountains, it's important to be able to adapt power to a slope percentage. So to end up with 13% in reality and a GPS displaying -8% is frustrating, especially as it worked perfectly well before (except in heavy rain).

  • Welcome. Join the club. I feel your pain

    Say it to @Garmin Matthew, who has been AWOL for over 5 months, after promising to rectify this swiftly with the Garmin software engineers.

    Send your observations to Garmin complaints and suggestions department.

  • Exactly same situation here. I opened a ticket and they replace the units (I had two )

  • As far as I know, it always been like this with Garmin devices. I have more or less the same lag on my Edge 1040 actually than on my Fenix 6X. I should try to ride with both side by side to see if there is any significant difference, but for both the lag is too pronounced and really problematic if you want to use this feature.

  • Same for me. Prior 18.x updates it was perfect. I hoped that 18.25 would solve it but it’s even worth. Just came back from a ride and Strava adjusted the elevation gain by more than 25%!!!
    I mean I know if I’m going uphill or downhill but showing a minus gradient on a uphill section is frustrating. 
    @Garmin pack less features but more quality in your SW!