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Position cursor - triangle size

Hi Garmin,

How is it possible that such a large company, which released so many good products on the market, after so many posts on the official forum and on the official website regarding the increase in the size of the positional cursor - triangle, is so irresponsible and ineffective? 90% of people who bought EDGE 1030 and 1040 series navigation for cycling asked you to increase this triangle with a software update because it is really small and unnoticeable. I can't believe you are so blatantly inconsiderate. Many have sold such navigation systems and switched to devices from other manufacturers for this exact reason. Please take a look at the visual design of other manufacturers' displays and create the boom that is expected of you.



Top Replies

  • 9 months ago in reply to L.Rouge +1 verified
    At the very least they could get the most junior programmer to spend 30 minutes swapping the position cursor and Virtual Partner (almost twice the size) symbols

    Why is the virtual partner…

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