I have a Edge 1030+ and a 4iiii Precision 3 Power Meter. The 1030+ sees the power meter and connects via ant+ without issue. I can successfully calibrate it using the 1030+.
The problem is that the readings on the 1030+ from the 4iiii are very low. I run xc200's on my main bike and know what the correct power readings should be. I've replaced the 4iiii through the manufacturer once and received a new factory install replacement and have the same issue.
Both the 1030+ and Precision 3 are fully updated with the lates firmware/software. The Precision 3 is a Shimano 105 left-side crank factory install.
Is anyone here running this configuration or have had problems with it? Google and contacting both 4iiii and Garmin have not yielded any results.