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Data recording failure after navigation change

Summary: I went for a ride with navigation enabled. Mid-ride I changed navigation to a different route. From that point on, no new data was recorded in the FIT file even though the display kept pretending that recording was on. In the history's activity list, the activity is shown as having 122 km, which is correct, but the map contains only the first 56 km. The rest of the ride was not recorded. I have double checked with different tools, the data is really missing. The file size also points to a recording of 2 hours and a half instead of the actual more than 5 hours.

Here are the actions I did on my device:

  • At the start of the ride:
    • Turned the device on
    • Went to Navigation > Courses > Saved Courses > My ride's course
    • Tapped "Ride"
    • Answered no to "Navigate to the beginning of the course?"
    • Manually started the recording by pressing the start/stop button
  • Mid rid:
    • Went to Navigation > Courses > Saved Courses > A short segment course
    • Tapped "Ride"
    • Answered yes to "This will replace your current route?"
    • Answered no to "Navigate to the beginning of the course?"
  • At the end of the ride:
    • Manually stopped the recording by pressing the start/stop button
    • Tapped "Save Ride"

To be 100% accurate, I actually changed the navigation twice more after the first time but since recording stopped after the first change, I don't think this matters.

During the whole ride the display was pretending that recording was on. It correctly updated the distance and time. At the end of the ride, there were 122 km in a bit more than 5 hours. This is also what is shown in the history's activity list. However the map only shows the first 56 km. The elevation same thing: it show the elevation for the first half of the ride and then just nothing for the second half. The summary display "Invalid" left and right just below the "Summary" title and shows a single item: "Time 1193:02:47", which is completely bogus.

It's the first time that the device fails to record part of a ride. However, I think that it's not the first time that I change navigation mid-rid but I'm not 100% sure. So far, I haven't tried to reproduce the bug.

    • Hi Philippe, I’ve had the same problem on a Garmin 530. Did you manage to resolve the issue?
  • No, I didn't try to solve the problem. I suspect that the problem has to do with the fact that I changed the navigation route mid-ride, which is something that I very rarely do. It could even be that this was the first time I did it with that device. I often use navigation during a ride and I never had an issue with that, whether I started it before or after starting the recording. Given that Garmin doesn't give a f*** and makes it almost impossible to report bugs, I didn't waste time to try to reproduce the problem in order to identify the root cause. My workaround will be to also record the activity on my phone if I ever have again to change route mid-ride.

  • Hi Philippe. I've had a similar unfortunate experience with my recent bike touring trip that no one from Garmin ever replied to: 

    Failed to Load Ride Details (half of data not shown on Connect) - Edge 840 Series - Cycling - Garmin Forums

    Total of 4 days riding, stopping recording at each end of day and leaving it on sleep mode.

    Restarted the computer on day 2 but in the middle of the day of day 2, changed navigation to a shorter one. same end of day stopped and turned it to sleep mode.

    Day 3 is the same but changed the navigation mid day also similar to day 3.

    Day 4 did not change navigation.

    What ended up happening is the total distance is recorded but day 2 and day 3 data is not shown in the maps and checked with the fit file also (similarly, the file was small so i was afraid that no data was indeed recorded for days 2 and 3)

    Also in the 840, the summary stats will not show and shows the error: failed to load ride details in the screen


    Day 1 and day 4 complete

    Day 2 and day 3 no data

    total distance of 654.3km is correct, but all points were skewed due to the lacking day 2 and 3 data. e.g. ave moving time etc.

    they highlight this feature that you can change navigation to a new course midway your ride but if this bug keeps happening, i will not change the course or navigation midway anymore. what a waste of money upgrading to an 840 from a 530 if it is indeed this case

  • Unfortunately it seems no Garmin engineer ever looks at this forum. This bug will probably stay forever. We will just have to remember to never change navigation while recording is on. For sure, I will never ever again report a bug as that is just a waste of time.

  • Hi Philippe. I've had a similar unfortunate experience with my recent bike touring trip that no one from Garmin ever replied to: 

    Failed to Load Ride Details (half of data not shown on Connect) - Edge 840 Series - Cycling - Garmin Forums

    Hi, maybe try contacting Garmin Support:

    It's just us users here on the forums, and although that can help with a lot of issues, some things need to be sent to Garmin directly. I've always gotten responses from them. Cheers

  • I just had the same issue when selecting a course whilst 1km into the ride and the 1030 displaying as per normal however at end of ride no data recorded and a error message