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Changing Course Midway Caused Data To Not Be Recorded (multiday tour, changed course on day 2 and 3, no data recorded)

I did a 650km multi day (4 days) bike ride and it only shows half of the details once uploaded.

For each end of day, I stop the unit and either power off or sleep.

For each beginning of day, i boot it up and the unit will just auto play when i ride out.

seems to not take my day 2 and 3 but shows the complete distance travelled - 654.3KM

also, could not upload the fit file here and just uploaded on google drive:

Editing the title as no one from Garmin can understand the issue?!?!?!?!?!

Total of 4 days riding, stopping recording at each end of day and leaving it on sleep mode.

Restarted the computer on day 2 but in the middle of the day of day 2, changed navigation to a shorter one. same end of day stopped and turned it to sleep mode.

Day 3 is the same but changed the navigation mid day also similar to day 3.

Day 4 did not change navigation.

What ended up happening is the total distance is recorded but day 2 and day 3 data is not shown in the maps and checked with the fit file also (similarly, the file was small so i was afraid that no data was indeed recorded for days 2 and 3)

Also in the 840, the summary stats will not show and shows the error: failed to load ride details in the screen


Day 1 and day 4 complete

Day 2 and day 3 no data

total distance of 654.3km is correct, but all points were skewed due to the lacking day 2 and 3 data. e.g. ave moving time etc.

they highlight this feature that you can change navigation to a new course midway your ride but if this bug keeps happening, i will not change the course or navigation midway anymore. what a waste of money upgrading to an 840 from a 530 if it is indeed this case