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1030 + gradient issue

My new 1030 plus is a replacement for 810.

the gradient is so slow the climb is half over before it is correct. Speed display jumps all over the place. Strava routes are nearly impossible to load.

I had them last week, but they have now disappeared. Is this really the best that Garmin can do?

what a rubbish device.

  • Well said. They are making a mockery out of this... it is pretty pathetic 

  • I think that the logs are sent automatically

  • How is it possible you can't  recreate it internally.  Try riding a bike over any hill.  You will recreate it by riding "externally" every single ride.  

    I truly understand the frustration caused by seeing these errors, but my statement on being unable to recreate this was true. I have been running a 1030 Plus as well as a 530 and 830 on dozens of outdoor rides this year and have not been seeing these issues of extended lag. 

    I am working out the details on how this beta can be best delivered/how to retrieve the required information and will have more information on this today. 

  • Blake, if you aren't seeing this on your device and others are, then you have to question why that is and look for the commonality. For example, is this something that is being seen on specifically configured devices (either internationalization issues or how the actual device and display pages/fields are defined)? If you are using the device straight out of the box without any configuration it may work perfectly ever time and all the time. But once someone changes something or one thing in particular, that may be root cause. Debugging is as much an art as it is a science. I have been debugging my cheap software for almost 40 years now and the one thing you need to be able to do is keep your eyes open and observe the behaviour of both the code and the people using your code. Also, the first rule is to never, ever assume. You will always be proven wrong when you do.

  • I am working out the details on how this beta can be best delivered/how to retrieve the required information and will have more information on this today.

    Is it in any way possible to see the raw altitude data off the barometric sensor before the processor smooths it?

    If the local conditions are barometrically noisy, then the processor will take longer to generate the altitude data.

    From a quick look at a few past activities (and within the limitations of viewing them on Garmin Connect Web) the delay seems to be longer on windier day and more so with a head wind than a tail wind.

  • very strange, every of my friends with 830/530 have the issue with gradient lag and temperature +4 C

    also there is another pending issue thats very annoying:

    when you ride an course, and climb pro is active, there is slightly delay between when climb pro finish and actual finish of the climb 

  • I am reaching out to folks individually who offered to gather data, and will be using this info to help us with our internal ticket. Thank you to those folks for offering. 

    I will be updating more frequently here, even if it is just to say we are still investigating, but I hope to have more to offer sooner than later. Thank you all for your patience in the meantime. 

  • when you ride an course, and climb pro is active, there is slightly delay between when climb pro finish and actual finish of the climb 

    Just to clarify, are you saying that ClimbPro says the climb has finish while in reality you are still climbing?

  • Its an old old picture

    I think if I remember corectly this is still happening, also with climbpro, 

  • I get the following error from Flickr when I try to view the picture:


    This is not the page you’re looking for.


    It appears you don’t have permission to view this photo or video.
    Here are some other photos from krazyeone instead:

    I have logged into Flickr.