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1030 + gradient issue

My new 1030 plus is a replacement for 810.

the gradient is so slow the climb is half over before it is correct. Speed display jumps all over the place. Strava routes are nearly impossible to load.

I had them last week, but they have now disappeared. Is this really the best that Garmin can do?

what a rubbish device.

  • Is this the 4.19 beta or some custom build just for tracking this issue? If it's the 4.19, how do we submit the logs to help with this?

  • If you need it . I can also install a beta build

  • I do have difficulty understanding why this is so complicated. I have a 500, 800 and 1000 that all handle current grade display in what feels like pretty much real time with minimal delay. All have barometric altimeters with speed sensors. The new 30 series devices have the same barometric altimeter capability and speed / distance tools. It seems like it should be straight forward to compare the new calculation code to the old. The 30 devices eventually display the correct grade, just delayed by considerable time from the event occurrence. Put a 800, 1000, 830 and 1030 plus all on a handlebar and video them through rolling terrain. 

  • For what it is worth, looking at my data post ride on Rde with GPIS, it appears that it is a sync issue. I suspect that handlers are having trouble with ride and GPS time whereby slope is not being packaged with the actual GPS correctly. Why I say this is that the summit of climb is not aligning with GPS location, it lags by 100+ m. The device should be capable of calculating slopes based on the previous 10, 20 or 50 m. However, it may be that when trying to combine it all in the fit file for the correct date and time stamp, it all goes sideways. I don't know if this is an inherent hardware issue or it is a software one.

  • The 1030+ has a different barometric altimeter sensor than the 500,800,1000. Given that this is taking so long to fix I'm certain this is a hardware issue with the new sensor and not a software bug.

  • What I haven't done is compared the displayed elevation and grade side by side. I'll do that tomorrow. I do find it difficult to believe the sensor is taking 10 or more seconds to report current pressure.

  • by my measurements (comparing power spikes to the gradient) it lags by 5-6 seconds.

  • Did a ride yesterday with a 1030 and a 1030plus they both had a ;lag of 10 seconds plus.  I filmed it and it shoes me putting out 60 watts but supposedly on a 14% climb.

    Both devices over a thousand pounds of kit and wrong.  I am increasingly thinking this is hardware not software and it can't be fixed.  If that is the case Garmin have to admit this and offer full refunds or replacements.  

    I am seriously thinking that this might have to get legal, that would be bad all round but they need to fix or admit.

  • How is it possible you can't  recreate it internally.  Try riding a bike over any hill.  You will recreate it by riding "externally" every single ride.  

  • I have offered to run Beta software, I have shareed data files but no response.

    On Saturday I rode with a 1030 and a 1030 plus and files what the problem was, this will aslo be apparent in the data files on each device.

    I think it is a hardware problem that they can't solve and so are just wanting us to disappear.

    I really want to contribute to a solution and so will work with anyone to that end. If it is unsolvable then they need to admit it and offer some deal on a replacement device.