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Upgrade regrets 830 to 1030 plus?

Just received the 1030 plus after using the 830 for the last almost 2 years. I train both indoors and outdoors and for the former often used to run my 830 in parallel to the trainer application which allows integration of my indoor training to the training status, physio trueup etc.

I must admit I am somewhat disappointed by the indoor readbilty of the 1030 plus display compared to the 830. Outdoor visibility in rainy Britain seems comparable and may well be better in direct sunlight. 

I have yet to compare routing between the two. Did others felt regret of upgrading to the 130 plus coming from the 830 or am I overreacting?

The difference in cost is hard to swallow and images on garmin commercial packs for the 1030 plus totally overstate the image quality. Images below are indoors with autolight enabled on both devices. 

  • Thanks for doing the test.  I suspect this is a hardware problem, probably a bad batch as I currently have two 1030 Plus in possession and neither is working.  I'm hoping some new owners would read this post and do the same test, and perhaps we'll find some more examples.

  • Will probably send this one back then for a refund as literally just taken out of wrapper with all accessories still packed up. Very odd indeedConfused

  • just as another update. I have now tried this again using another wifi network where no other devices may interferes. Its remains the same. The 1030 plus finds and connects to the network but does not upload any ride. I have now also tried to upload any rides manually and the same problem persists. The odd thing is that the upload dialog states it is uploading and then eventually disappears but nothing ends up on Garmin Connect. In all those scenarios the 830 functions as should. For those where it works what was the original firmware the device came with. Mine came with 4.0 out of the box. 

  • Just managed to solve the issue with the WIFI auto-upload problem successfully. I found and downloaded firmware version 3.00 from here:

    I then connected the 1030 plus as USB device put the gupdate.gcd into the main garmin folder on the device. Once disconnected form USB, it rebooted and warned that I was about to install an older firmware to the device and would loose all my data. I agreed and it installed version 3.00.

    Whilst doing the above I also removed the device from Garmin connect on my phone and did a new "add device" setup and then transferred of my prolfiles and sensors from 830 etc. I then selected my home WIFI and enabled auto-upload on the edge 1030 plus for wifi. 

    I did a quick spin and BINGO- the ride immediately appeared on Garmin connect despite having the Bluetooth on the phone disabled. 

    A few seconds later the prompt appeared that a new firmware (version 4.00) was available. I agreed to update and tried another quick ride. Again, it uploaded straight to Garmin Connect. ;-)

    I also tried to remove the network again and manually added it back directly via the 1030 plus and it works now too.

  • Thanks.  I will give this a try.  Will report my findings here.

  • OMG!  Your solution fixed mine as well!  Thanks so much!  I'm glad we crossed path and you found a solution.  It's a weird solution but nonetheless it works!  That's all it mattered  Once I loaded 3.00 and confirmed it worked I advanced mine from 3.00 to 3.17 because I like the Varia 'all-clear' tone that is present on 3.17 but missing on 4.00.  Then I also did the WiFi test on 3.17 and it also worked, as I had expected based on your experience.  This is definitely some sort of a bug.  So it appears that the newer units that were shipped with 4.00 all have this problem.  The older units that have been through the 3.00 upgrade are immune from this issue.  How weird.  I will share this finding with Garmin.  Thanks again.  I almost wanted to return my 1030 Plus.  The WiFi functionality is important to me because the BLE method is flaky at best.  With the BLE I have to manually open the GCM app. on my phone before the ride can be uploaded.  This might be due to the fact that I don't carry my phone when I ride.  So the Edge is only able to connect to my phone when I finish the ride.  With WiFi the upload is immediate, as soon as I come within WiFi range upon finishing my ride.  Cheers.

  • Glad you got sorted as well. Getting in touch with Garmin is a good idea. Something seems to be missing in the later updates essential for it to work that comes from the 3.0 firmware. It should be easy enough for them to check the newer units which come with 4.0 (I only got mine last week) to replicate the problem. 

  • Indeed!  This is so strange.  I'm so glad you have stumbled on a solution and back-tracked to the 'needed' version which is 3.00.  I will post an update to the other thread which I started a while back.  Thanks again.

  • Yes I regretted in just 5 minutes of use indoor and 1 hour outdoor. Being used to the screen quality of the 830 for several months its been a big big disappointment, it is already in the box to be send and back to the 830.