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Upgrade regrets 830 to 1030 plus?

Just received the 1030 plus after using the 830 for the last almost 2 years. I train both indoors and outdoors and for the former often used to run my 830 in parallel to the trainer application which allows integration of my indoor training to the training status, physio trueup etc.

I must admit I am somewhat disappointed by the indoor readbilty of the 1030 plus display compared to the 830. Outdoor visibility in rainy Britain seems comparable and may well be better in direct sunlight. 

I have yet to compare routing between the two. Did others felt regret of upgrading to the 130 plus coming from the 830 or am I overreacting?

The difference in cost is hard to swallow and images on garmin commercial packs for the 1030 plus totally overstate the image quality. Images below are indoors with autolight enabled on both devices. 

  • I also upgraded from the 830 to the 1030 Plus.  I noticed when both units are off the 1030 Plus' screen is lighter in color than the 830.  But when both are turned on the screens look like what you posted.  I agree the 1030 Plus screen looks more dull indoors.  But when outdoors I believe the 1030 Plus has a slight edge.  The two screens are definitely not entirely the same as what Garmin claimed.  But under riding conditions I think it would be hard to tell the two apart.  For me personally the biggest benefits of the 1030 Plus are 1) large screen size which I desperately need as I'm older now, 2) much louder beep, 3) nice re-routing options when you go off-route on purpose.  I have zero regrets and I'm quite happy with the upgrade.  By the way after using the 1030 Plus for a couple weeks I look at my 830 and wonder how I managed to see with a such a small screen on the 830.  So you do get used to the bigger screen very quickly and will be glad you got the 1030.

    Do you mind doing a quick test for my benefit?  On my newly purchased 1030 Plus I cannot upload my rides via WiFi.  Garmin has sent me a replacement unit but that unit didn't work either.  My 830 uploads via WiFi in an instant.  To do the test property you need to disable the phone and add a WiFi network to the 1030 Plus.  Your test result would help me greatly.  I have a friend with a 1030 non-Plus and his unit works just fine.  Thank you for your time.

  • Thanks for the detailed feedback. I had a quick try of what you suggested this morning literally just spinning the pedals for a few sec using indoor trainer comparing upload from 830 vs 1030 plus via WiFi. First mistake was that wifi was off on the 1030 plus but even when set correctly gamin connect did NOT receive any rides via WiFi (Bluetooth disabled on phone) . The 830 worked flawlessly. This seems to be therefore a firmware bug. I am less bothered by it although would be expected to work of course. 

  • I did the same test on my Edge 1030 Plus:

    -disabled the phone
    -WiFi connected

    Result: loaded up immediately.
     But I had only disabled the phone on the Edge - not the whole Bluetooth section on my iPhone.
    Maybe worth another test with complete BT off...

    (the one minute ride is the test - right after my regular ride)

  • I did the same test again - but now with BT section completely off on my iPhone.
    No connection between iPhone and Edge!

    But WiFi enabled.
    And - bingo - upload via WiFi automatically and immediately!

    So - I cannot reproduce  the problem in my enviroment...

  • Wi-Fi upload works perfectly for me too. As McInner suggested, disable BT on the phone and stop and start a quick activity. Uploads in seconds. 

  • I diabled bluetooth on the edge and tried the same but it failed to upload. The WiFi connection seems to be found fine and I rechecked it just to make sure. Very odd. 

  • Does manual upload work via WiFi (BT disabled)?

  • I have turned off BT on my phone and turned off the phone completely to no avail.  The phone is disabled on the Edge.  The 1030 Plus connect to the WiFi but just can't upload files (and download the needed satellite info.).  I have no issues on my 830 and I do leave the phone disabled on the 830 so I know it's uploading via WiFi only.

  • No it doesn't work either.  I'm running beta firmware 3.17 but I've also tried it on 4.0.  Once I realized the issue isn't firmware I downgraded to 3.17.  As stated earlier I have two 1030 Plus in possession and neither of them work.