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New Edge 1030 Plus Public Beta 2.42 Now Available

A new Beta software (2.42) for the Edge 1030 Plus has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • For any issues that you encounter please fill out the form included in the download and attach it to an email to [email protected]. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 2.41 to 2.42:

  • Segments
    -Fixed issue with detecting segments that were going in the opposite direction of travel.
    -Improved segment and ClimbPro UI cooperation
    -Fixed issues when approaching a segment embedded in a course and other minor segment UI issues.
    -Fixed issue where segment virtual partners would claim to be finished almost immediately after starting the segment.
  • Improved sensor connectivity
  • Added workout step controls to the workout tray
  • Suppressed Daily Workout Suggestion if training plan already present on device
  • Improved automatic FTP detection
  • Updated RTL pairing to always require the light to paired as well. This requires the RTL to be in pairing mode while pairing for the first time.
  • Fixed Training Load True Up
  • Added support for new GPS firmware. Sync your device to update to the new firmware.
  • Fixed issues with course recalculations
  • Added more options for course navigation recalculation
  • Added a toggle for MTB map theme
  • Fixed bug with invalid power in LiveTrack
  • Fixed device compatibility with BaseCamp

Changes made from version 2.30 to 2.41:

  • Fixed iPhone pairing issue.