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New Edge 1030 Plus Public Beta 2.42 Now Available

A new Beta software (2.42) for the Edge 1030 Plus has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • For any issues that you encounter please fill out the form included in the download and attach it to an email to [email protected]. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 2.41 to 2.42:

  • Segments
    -Fixed issue with detecting segments that were going in the opposite direction of travel.
    -Improved segment and ClimbPro UI cooperation
    -Fixed issues when approaching a segment embedded in a course and other minor segment UI issues.
    -Fixed issue where segment virtual partners would claim to be finished almost immediately after starting the segment.
  • Improved sensor connectivity
  • Added workout step controls to the workout tray
  • Suppressed Daily Workout Suggestion if training plan already present on device
  • Improved automatic FTP detection
  • Updated RTL pairing to always require the light to paired as well. This requires the RTL to be in pairing mode while pairing for the first time.
  • Fixed Training Load True Up
  • Added support for new GPS firmware. Sync your device to update to the new firmware.
  • Fixed issues with course recalculations
  • Added more options for course navigation recalculation
  • Added a toggle for MTB map theme
  • Fixed bug with invalid power in LiveTrack
  • Fixed device compatibility with BaseCamp

Changes made from version 2.30 to 2.41:

  • Fixed iPhone pairing issue.
  • please put the new GPS-Firmware next time in the Beta-Zip File like you do it for the Fenix6-Beta-Tests.

  • 80km ride today with 2.42, no issues at all. Good work, Garmin Slight smile

  • When navigating with the Edge(r) 1030 Plus FW 2.42 the "Remaining Distance" field does not show the distance to the end point (the field remains empty)  when navigating a route.

  • For me, the edge continues to restart. WiFi didn't help. 

  • Have you been able to get the GPS update yet?

  • GPS 4.50 stands there. 

  • If the problem is the same as with the latest 1030 beta, disabling WiFi should fix the problem with connecting to a PC.

  • Hi all, here below step by step what I've done to run 2.42 fw beta + GPS SW 4.50 properly on my device:

    1. Before the fw installation I double checked that Wi-Fi connection is enable on the device

    2. Update my device following the related instruction. Once that I copied the file into the Garmin folder I disconnect the device from pc and rebooted it

    3. Once the FW upgrade has been completed after a couple of minutes and device completed the restarted, I check if it started to download the GPS sw update but nothing happened

    4. I plugged the device into pc and opened Garmin Express:the device started to reboot continuously

    5. I've unplugged the device, waiting the device restart and then something happened: GPS SW has been downloaded through the Wi-Fi connection

    6. Rebooted the device last time, waiting the GPS SW upgrade to 4.50 and everything started to work properly again, garmin express/usb connection include

    I think that the device should be plugged-in into pc/garmin express software once time at least, it seems that garmin express sent a sort of "green flag" to device that allowed him to download the GPS SW last update, but this operation seems that doesn't work using a pc/garmin express (looping reboot) and the only workaround at the moment is to download it using wi-fi device built-in connection

    I really hope that the "checklist" above could be useful for someone else! Wink

    PS: new beta firmware 2.42 + GPS 4.50 tested today for 3 hours and working better than 2.30.

    The first thing that I notice was that all the ANT+ sensor randomly disconnections (I had several devices connected: RTL510 light/radar, power meter, HR monitor, speed sensor) and also iPhone (model 8 with iOS 13.6) randomly disconnection completely disappeared after the upgrade, well done Garmin! Clap

  • You get the new GPS firmware with Garmin Express. And this are the new Features:

  • Clearly, altitude higher than 12K meters is definitely needed for cycling, on earth Smiley