There's an open-source project called "OpenBikeSensor" ( that measures vehicle passing distance while cycling. The problem is you have to build/solder/3D print the device yourself.
With a raft of new close-passing laws in many countries, can anyone tell me why Garmin haven't manufactured something like this. It would sell like hot-cakes
It could integrate with the Varia radar and activate when a vehicle is passing. In the open-source design, the user must push a red-button to activate the sensor.
If Garmin can build a radar (Varia) to detect vehicles at 100m, surely it can detect distance (using radar/ultrasound) in the 0-2.5m range
Can someone please pass this on to Garmin's engineers. With the advent of new laws and web-portals for uploading video evidence of close-pass crimes, a device like this could be an excellent evidence gathering tool.
I'm curious if there are any thoughts from the community on why this couldn't be done?