I finally got the cadence sensor to connect.
When you open the battery, the connector on the battery lid needs to be seated just right so that when you close the lid, the connector hits the little bronze…
What just worked for me was prying the smaller connector upward a bit. Obviously it had gotten bent down. I was having no luck after changing battery and Garmin connect told me it must be dead...ha! The…
This worked for me !! Thank you !!
This thread worked for me - after spending :45 minutes trying to figure it out. The metal piece in the removable cap (light silver color) has to be lined-up correctly so that the long contactor "finger" lines-up with the + terminal contactor in the body of the sensor. In my case the metal insert popped out of the removable cap with the battery - when I re-inserted it it was no longer correctly aligned. Poor design - the metal pickup in the removable cap should be fixed to the cap so that It can't become misaligned. Once I corrected alignment the sensor fired right up.
does the led flash green upon battery replacement in the sensor? If not it's not powered - check the alignment of the metal piece in the removable battery cap - it has a long rectangular piece which rises to the top of the cap (when turned upside down) and this is what makes contact between the + battery terminal of the sensor and the battery holder (metal piece inside the cap). The metal piece in the cap can become rotated out of alignment with the pickups in the body of the sensor - when this happens the + side no longer makes contact and the sensor won't be powered. Took me :45 minutes and finding this thread to fix it...
does the led flash green upon battery replacement in the sensor? If not it's not powered - check the alignment of the metal piece in the removable battery cap - it has a long rectangular piece which rises to the top of the cap (when turned upside down) and this is what makes contact between the + battery terminal of the sensor and the battery holder (metal piece inside the cap). The metal piece in the cap can become rotated out of alignment with the pickups in the body of the sensor - when this happens the + side no longer makes contact and the sensor won't be powered. Took me :45 minutes and finding this thread to fix it...
You are the MVP! Thanks!
More follow-up for future reference. The LED is located a few mm above the "N" in Garmin. There is no discernible external indication of the location as the LED is actually UNDER a thin spot in the black casing (weatherproofing, I assume.) I was beginning to doubt there really was an LED until it magically flashed!
In the cavity in the body of the sensor are two brass contacts. The first, very obvious, is the negative (-) contact, a twinned brass arm that sticks out to almost the middle of the cavity and touches the negative (-) side of the battery when inserted. The second is a very short (~3mm) contact, about where the "lock" icon is on the case, that presses against a silver contact lip on the battery door when it's closed and locked and provides the positive (+) connection. In my case, that 2nd short tab appears to have been too low to press against the silver lip, so I pried it up a bit. It actually took several tries to get it high enough to touch the silver bar. Just for good measure, I also pried out the three silver vertical contacts on the opposite side of the battery door to ensure the positive rim of the battery had a good contact.
This sorted it. Must move rotate when putting a battery in.
This worked for me now too!! I almost have up trying. Bent that bronze part up a bit and firm pressure when I closed it all up and it connected.