Instinct Solar - 18.10 Public Release Candidate

Hello Instinct Solar customers,

Please read the instructions below to update the software for your Instinct Solar device. We've made some changes to how we deliver beta updates for our customers, so this forum post is now the primary resource for reading the change log notes – they are not available on another webpage. We look forward to your feedback!

18.10 Change Log Notes (changes since 18.01):

  • Additional improvements to altimeter performance.

New Software versions listed are in red.

  • System Software18.10
  • GPS: 5.40
  • BLE/ANT: 3.02
  • SNS: 18.00

Instructions for updating software:

  • Download the .zip folder containing the update HERE
  • Connect the watch to your computer.
  • Unzip and copy the included gupdate.gcd file to the Garmin folder on your watch.
  • If there is a SensorHub_XXXX folder, copy the GUP3467.GCD to the Garmin\RemoteSW folder of your watch.
  • Disconnect the watch from the computer and it will prompt you to update software.

For any issues that you encounter, please send an email to [email protected]. In your email please include the software version, and a detailed description of your issue, along with any steps to reproduce. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.