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Weather widget temperature not updating

Instinct Solar paired with iPhone 11 Pro on iOS 14.1 using Connect The temperature on the weather widget does not change unless I manually sync with the iPhone, is this the expected behavior? If so, it's practically useless. 

  • Garmin SW is really bad - I have everything switched on, active, online, iphone connected, and no weather update even if all privacy, location, data, everything is on and ok, but the only option how to sync new westher to my expensive Garmin Tactic Solar watches is to restar Garmin watches - really?! - this is very big fault of Garmin team !!! I need to make restart every time I change location to see local weather - really bad. Next time I will buy Apple Watch as they are 1000% times more reliable and stable in compare with this product full of SW bugs :-(

  • I was hoping this would have been resolved by now.   I had a Quatix 6 this past winter.  Used it in Florida on my vacation , and came back to Michigan where it still read the Florida weather for weeks.   Returned the watch…hope Garmin can fix it as I have Garmin gear on my boat….

  • Next time I will buy Apple Watch as they are 1000% times more reliable and stable in compare with this product full of SW bugs :-(

    Let's hope you'll have better luck. Google shows a similar amount of forum posts and troubleshooting tips for problems with weather at the Apple Watch too: apple watch weather does not work - Google Search