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Instinct 2 Solar (Tactical) "Washed Out" Display: Anyone else having this problem w/their display?


The GI2 (on right) is much more "washed out" and closer to purple when compared to the original's vibrant blue (on left); both are backlit to 100%. Moreover, the viewing angle on the GI2 is simply terrible... clearly, the new "domed" PowerGlass does not add one of the primary advantages of having a domed crystal which is improving the visibility at acute angles (especially underwater) by mitigating light reflectiveness. I'm not impressed at all. As opposed to the original solar models, the new GI2s have a "full" solar panel behind the display, so this may be the cause of both the tint and viewing discrepancies; I've contacted Garmin support and am waiting for some explanation... hopefully it is just that I may have a defective watch (which can then be replaced by Garmin).  Also, much as I appreciate the improved display resolution of 176x176 (which does make the text look crisper), they've taken advantage of that to make the overall text smaller in order to fit more data displayed on the screen size; that's all well and good, but it does make it more of a strain for legibility... not all of us have a 25 y/o sight. As usual, Garmin did incorporate a font size setting; I've provided them with that feedback and feature suggestion, so hopefully they will add that in a future update.  Has anyone else noticed this issue? 

  • Although I admit that principle has a lot to do with it, the biggest issue for me is, truthfully, the legibility issue; I work and exist mainly at night, and require the backlight more often than Thumbsup tone2 I would even be willing to go with a non-solar model of the Tactical version, but the problem exists on the non-solar versions as well.  So for me it is a deal breaker... especially when I still Thumbsup tone2 the original Solar Tactical without those issues.  If you don't require the use of the backlight as much, and/or don't use the watch in low-light/night, still have great eyes to read the smaller Thumbsup tone2 in a washed-out screen when you do ise the backlight, then Thumbsup tone2get itThumbsup tone2The new features really are great.    

  • "No offense, but..."

    Just return the watch already because it seriously sounds and looks like you're trying to strong-arm Garmin to answer you instantly, put you in direct contact with a manager, etc.

    Again, I am watching this thread and concerned what I'm reading because I want to trade up my I1S to an I2S, but it's increasingly looking like something else is going on here.

    I totally get your complaints and disappointment, but seriously, the drama is too much and looks very unreasonable.  You now admit having been offered the option of a return, so take it and go Coros and enjoy it because you believe they make a better product based solely on lying influencers that are lying by omission of the serious problems, bad codes, and beta nature of the Garmin knockoffs they make.

    As for REI's guarantee: it's a good faith guarantee and not for people informed ahead of time.  You simply want to abuse their guarantee because it's there.  This is another point that doesn't reflect well on you.

    What it looks like you're trying to do is to start some sort of movement behind this backlight "scandal" you're trying to invent and it appears no amount of answers from Garmin is enough.

    I see some aspects of the issue, but I am seeing you going way too far and it looks like you want more from Garmin than a return.

  • "I gotta be honest" returning it is what I'm doing and literally what I wrote. It's so strange how many assumptions you're making and how wrong all of them are. You should read what people are writing and stop making your own assumptions of their intentions. 

    As for the REI guarantee. As I said you are one man's opinion. I understand you hold your own opinion and experience in high regard but after reading how wrong you were about everything you just wrote I don't. Again I can look up any product and find bad reviews like yours. I can also go to REIs own review pages and see almost all 5 stars. No offense but your own opinion isn't worth anything to me and using a return policy isn't abusing it when a stranger on the internet "Warns" you. Feel free to never return anything to REI ever if you find one bad review of that product anywhere on the internet.

  • Agree with you absolutely.   I don’t know why people that don’t see this issue or don’t care about it deride people who do.  It’s like arguing vanilla is better than chocolate.   And REI doesn’t eat these return- they go back to Garmin.  When I return mine near the end of the 90 day return period, to hopefully get a new run that isn’t defective, I’ll tell them there’s a MFG defect and they’ll return it to Garmin.  I’ve spent 10s of thousands of dollars at REI over 30 years.   I’ve returned maybe 5 things so my conscience is clear.  

  • Then return it and enjoy entering the "I also found out that Coros are beta products" club.  As for the reviews lolllollllll.  They have a closed FB group where they control the posts.  Go there and find out for yourself. The fact that you didn't find anything about the well-known battery problems they can't fix across all the watches that led to a recall for some and a sketchy"recalibration procedure" is printed on their own website which is a dangerous overcharging procedure we were complaining about, among the serious altimeter problems says you're just being an online reactionary and never actually looked.  I have the experience, I've written about it, as have others, but if you want to go Coros, go for it.  It will be absolutely a matter of pride turning to consumerist self-harm.  Like you're literally saying you will make a bad purchase just to show me a thing or two, which I find sadly hysterical.

    You have the choice: return the Garmin, don't use me as a surrogate for Garmin not dealing with you because no matter how much they respond, it's not good enough.  Go Coros and enjoy.

  • Lmao to show you a thing or two? How egotistical can you possibly be. How can you see a complaint about a product, a person saying they are returning that product and then think "This must be about me". Definitely done talking to you 

  • There's no ego; this is literally what is going on here in a repeat pattern.  Someone states they are getting answers from Garmin, but they don't find them sufficient, no matter how much Garmin is being transparent.  Somehow the conspiracy theorists infuse a bit of conspiracy in there.  Then threatens to go to another brand which is basically a beta-level knockoff of Garmin and one that frustrated users solve their issues by going to Garmin.  

    The solution is clear: go to Coros and enjoy it and stop trying to strongarm Garmin with no leverage, stop trying to make a conspiracy and then being frustrated with it self-limiting.  We're taking it all under advisement (as am I), but it's a poor showing to get feedback and transparency from Garmin, maybe not to your liking, and then to lash out against that like a child.

  • A problem that is not a problem is still exaggerated here. Garmin explained that there was a different display and different viewing angles. In addition, the photos are not relevant here. I have IS 1 Solar and IS2, there is no blue color on the display as in these photos. I have already written a request and a photo shoot from the same angles here. Nothing happened! It can be seen that IS2 has a different angle to its detriment. (intention?) At night I see the display normally at 5% backlight. Of course, due to the higher resolution, the numbers are smaller. Either the photos in the photos are defective or they are misleading.

  • Sad when you have to upvote your own post Joy