This is the second time I've had a fit file corrupted. It shows on my watch, but the activity never carries over to my Garmin Connect. can't fix it either.
Anyone experience something similar?
This is the second time I've had a fit file corrupted. It shows on my watch, but the activity never carries over to my Garmin Connect. can't fix it either.
Anyone experience something similar?
It shows on my watch, but the activity never carries over to my Garmin Connect.
Not typical on a newer Fenix. When it does happen, there are two common reasons:
It's not letting me attach the .fit file.
You'll need to zip it first, or at least rename the extension. Otherwise:
check this file solved
It shows on my watch, but the activity never carries over to my Garmin Connect.
Not typical on a newer Fenix. When it does happen, there are two common reasons: can't fix it either.
Fit File Repair Tool will fix most fit files but requires a software license. If you attach it here, we can try to repair it for you.
It's happened twice, and both times were a Swim activity with the HRM Pro Plus.
It's not letting me attach the .fit file. How can I get the file over?
It's not letting me attach the .fit file.
You'll need to zip it first, or at least rename the extension. Otherwise:
+Former Member
Attached. Thanks!
check this file solved
This worked, thanks!
What causes this? Any concern that my Fenix/HRM Pro Plus is failing or is this just a standard bug?
this error is caused by Garmin and their wonky hr data download procedures
why this goes wrong is a simple faulty error handling or non existing error handling during or after transfer of hr data
you can help others by letting Garmin know this mishap by phone or chat with Garmin Support
success with Garmin Support, oh and insist on getting a ticket number