Fenix 7S - grid like pattern on a display - Am I seeing things that shouldnt be there or is it normal?

Hello all.

After close inspection under the light I can see straight like grid lines under the glas. They are too straight for cracks and I have to try very hard to see them. They cannot be captured on photo. They cannot be on the glass either because I would see and feel them when touching and it could be captured on a photo. But more or less they look something like that:

If it is of any importance, the watch had one accidental fall on the floor of the apartment. I know that it has military stadard protection and it did not sustain any damage nor anything. But could that grid be from the fall or is it normal? BTW its a standard Fenix 7S without solar and sapphire glass.

I have a broken Vivoactive 4 that I used for drop tests. The glass on Vivoactive 4 and Fenix 7S standard is the same Gorilla Glass DX. Been dropping Vivoactive 4 intentionaly from hip to higher heights screen more than three times and nothing. Glass looks perfectly fine no scratches no cracks.

So having the above in mind it cant be said that Fenix 7S is a petite egg-like little watch that would break affter one accidental drop?

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  • Have you tried switching to a different watch face to see if the lines are still visible?

  • Might be related to the touchscreen. I do know that all the touchscreen displays have a grid of dots in them (that almost look like microscopic specks of glitter, spaced equally about 3mm apart), so maybe that's what you're seeing? Mine definitely looks like specks/dots though, not lines, so I'm not sure. The other possibility is you've got dead pixel rows/columns. It's hard to say without a photo.

  • I dont want to sound like a crazy person but Its not directly on screen. How to put it. It looks like its on the glass but its not on the glass, at least not the outside more like inside. And its not when the screen is iluminated. I can see it like when trying to catch a reflection of a light from different angles - takes time to catch it with an eye, like I wrote before, not an easy catch but definately cant capture it on a photo. Heres how my watch looks on photo with a direct desk lamp light angled to show the glass aswell as direct shot with cell phone flash to show you the display:

  • So I don't see anything in the pictures.
    But I would like to pick up C.sco and suspect something like boundary lines for the touch function in the lines.
    The computer chip that controls the touch must somehow get the information whether I, for example, still press right in the middle or already want to trigger the function below/above.

  • Ya I can't see anything in the pictures, but I do recognize that sometimes cameras just can't see what the naked eye sees, so I'm not calling OP a crazy person just yet ;)

    I do strongly suspect that whatever OP is seeing is probably related to touchscreen capacitive sensor array / grid. Especially since it's symmetrical like what is drawn in that picture in the OP. If it were some sort of defect then I would expect the grid to be more random.

  • While I do not see such lines on my Fenix 7X, I had pretty similar ones in my previous non-Gramin watch visible under a certain angle. That watch had a touchscreen with a transflective display, so exactly what we have here in our watches. I am not certain if these lines were related to the touchscreen but this is something I would suspect.

  • but I do recognize that sometimes cameras just can't see what the naked eye

    What C.sco said is spot on.  If you can see it and you believe it is a defect of your watch, please reach out to Outdoor Product Support in your region.

    It is correct that the hidden test menu touchscreen test is in a grid that you touch each section of your watch face to test it. Whether that is what you are seeing or something else unrelated, you shouldn't be able to see any type of grid through your display while using your watch.

  • Does this mean my watch is broken? I doubt it will be easy thing to prove in the store where I bought the watch. To me at first it looked like a crack on the glass but logicaly cracks cant be perfect clean straight lines. And Im sure its not pixel like thing looking line but more like glass related. But then again I watched the glass at every angle and with light so I dont know what actualy make of it. Last I seen them they were around the areas of 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock but I dont catch it now. Its very tricky. But I am certain those lines in grid pattern are not pixels. More like cuts on glass in shape of what I drawn in the first post. Looks like a grid but not a pixel grid.

  • I can only make an assumption based on everything you have stated since I cannot see your watch in person.

    If you believe either:

    - Your watch has a defective sapphire crystal or gorilla glass (if the issue is visually on the inside but you can tell it is not your display)


    - It's the display itself.

    When your watch is received by our warehouse team in your region, we will see the same issue.

    It is up to you if you go down the path of warranty replacing your watch but you should not be seeing what you are describing and I encourage you to consider exchanging your watch.

  • I would do that too but the problem is that store I bought watch from has a reputation of making problems. Its not clearly visible and hard to prove. Somebody might say I see things that are not there and reject the case. Once again I examined the watch tried to catch it, once I saw it I cleaned the screen with my finger then with a cloth and line dissapeared. Did that on the different watch face, but I can see it again. Another thing is that I had accidental drop with the watch when I was getting ready in the morning watch fell out of my hands on the floor of the apartment so somebody might say I damaged my watch intentionaly and I heard mechanical damage even accidental are not covered by warranty. I would have to visit the store and try that. They would have to see what I see. One more thing. Is there any diagnostical combo/shortcut with the buttons of the watch that would go into some kind of diagnostic mode for showing dead pixels or any grids? I might check that myself or another thing is that those lines are smudges from greasy fingers but they are to straight and looks precision cuts or something like that... But since the watch has military standard it should not been affected by a single drop on the apartment floor little above hip height. It didnt fall on concrete. And I have same glass in my bricked Vivoactive 4 that I tossed to see intentionaly if the Gorilla Glass DX is easy to crack and it is not. Its very durable. Ofcourse I dont do intentional drop tests with Fenix. Only did those with Vivoactive 4 because that watch is dead so I could allow myself a little bit of scientific curiosity and testing.