Night Sleep Data gets replaced by daytime "sleep"

Chris from Garmin again locked the previous thread also the problem is far from solved. So here is a new thread.

The issue is that in some cases a normal sleep recording is replaced by a very short nap and totally screws all connecting data like the recovery status.

Garmin now says that this is by design, which makes no sense at all.

Correct. Engineering has asked for new examples on v11.28 after minor changes made to sleep. Thank you for creating a new thread.

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  • Nobody knows! Garmin or just Chris, stuck at "3h" for months now, totally ignoring what we are taking here.

    Moderator: The issue is not being ignored. For anyone that sees this post, refer to the post seen just beneath the original post on all pages of this thread. Thank you.

    Z: The issue is not ignored but it's misunderstood. For anyone that sees this post, check moderator's post about "3 hours" all over the forum and on the fist page of tis topic.

  • I bought the AW

    I am curious: did you compare the sleep detection between the 2 watches?

    For example:

    - false daily naps

    - sleep start/stop night detection

    - sleep phases

    I am currently test driving a fitbit to compare sleep detection. Time awake (during sleep) seems much better than the Epix.

  • This is currently happening to me. Started 2 days ago and just now. On my Epix V2. I get normal night sleep and daily report but later in the day I am getting the start or stop sleep screen if I press the upper right button, instead of the activity menu.


  • This also happens to me with Enduro2 and 11.28. In the last few days, my night sleep was replaced with entirely fake day sleep, which messed with my recovery and readiness. I was able to fix sleep time manually, but my sleep score seems unaffected by my sleep window changes. This seems to be caused by "poor" stress, and I compared sleep stress levels for the last couple of days, only finding out that "fair"/"poor" labels seem to be completely arbitrary. For example, an average sleep stress of 18 is marked as "Poor", then I got an average of 19 marked as "Fair" and then an average of 30 marked as "Poor". This does not make any sense.

  • Yes, that's my experience as well. Feels like the watch wants to punish me for disagreeing with its bogus sleep detection. 

  • I wonder why your heart rate is higher during your nights sleep than during the day. I can understand why the software thought you slept later. 

  • since when is there an Daylight Sleep Option (Naps?) on Garmin watches?

  • Today, I was sitting at the computer to attend a meeting, but was also walking around the house. The watch recorded sleep and replaced my night of sleep. I noticed the sleep only was I was starting a walking activity...

  • As Chris mentioned in this thread you should send him a direct message if you have any issue with naps or fake sleep replace the better nights sleep

    Right now not so many users have reported the issue by sending him a private message. Thus he think that this issue is only a problem for a very few users and thus it has a very low priority to be fixed. If not enough people report the issue then there is a probability that it might never be fixed

    To summary. If you have this problem and want it to be fixed then you must take action and highlight his name when post in this thread as well as send him a private message as requested 

    If your watch is recording short amounts of sleep during the day for under 3 hours and is syncing and replacing your prior night's sleep, please highlight my name and send me a Private Message. Thank you!
  • If you have this problem and want it to be fixed

    Even if you don't have it you still can want that fixed. ;)