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Fenix 7 BUG: The watch goes off course. When it returns back on course it latches to a wrong part of the course, which messes up elevation profile and remaining elevation gain

Description of the problem

1) Run on a long course, a large part of which was two directional out-and-back course. In other words there was a part of the course going out, then a part of course visiting several places, then going back the original trail and returning back to start. That all was pre-planned as a single long course.

2) On the way out, during the first big climb, the watch went off-course. There wasn't a reason for it to go off course as we've never left the trail, but that is a separate issue.

3) Shortly after the watch goes back on course. But at that point the elevation profile, it seems, latches to the return part of the course. On the watch it looked the following way:

From that point on the elevation profile no longer worked correctly. It was stuck at the point much later on the course. The elevation changes weren't tracked. The remaining elevation wasn't tracked correctly too, which was a big deal because that was a mountainous run with a lot of climbing. You can see it is showing remaining 160 feet of climbing, which in reality at that point there were about 5000 feet of climbing remaining. 

I think I've seen this or very similar issue at least once before.

1) Here is an almost exact issue observed with Fenix 7X in May:

2) Here is a similar issue of latching to a wrong distance on the course observed with Fenix 6X: