Issues and bugs with Strength Training

  • The lap button forces us back to the (not that well thought through) exercise list every time and makes the other pages or custom pages redundant.  

Timer/Countdown in exercise list is only visible after scrolling, while it could be perfectly active in the middle of the screen without manual input after each set:  
Just put it right next to the static info about how long the pause is. Then you could just put the actual time of the day in the field that can be reached by scrolling. Then that page would be showing vital information without user input and be at least useful.

  • Multiple weight bugs with custom strength training: 
    - own workout with weights set and one bodyweight exercise in the middle 
    - count reps turned on (because without reps you are not asked for weight even if "edit weight" is on) 
    - edit weight turned on 
  • Bug 1: When ignoring the rep counter (because it counted correctly) it will record weight 0 in the activity. 

If I enter the "edit reps" screen and go through to the "edit weight" screen it will preselect the weight set in the training to edit or confirm. 

Also if "edit weight" is off the pre-planned weight is always recorded in the activity correctly, no matter if reps are adjusted or ignored. 

  • Bug 2: If a bodyweight exercise follows a weight exercise it will show the weight of the previous weight exercise instead of 0 as it should be. And it will be 0 in the stored activity if the rep counter is skipped. 

If "edit weight" is off in will always record the correct weight preset in the activity no matter if its 0 for bodyweight or a larger value for a weight exercise. 

  • Bug 3: If I have a weight like 22,5 it gets rounded up to 23 if I skip the repcounter. 

  • Bug 4: When editing weight on the watch the digit after the decimal point has no "endless scrolling" like the other ones

  • If I skip a set that already started, the first exercise still shows up in the summary.   

  • "skip upcoming set" is only available in a "pause until lap press" but not in a pause with countdown.

  • Changing the background color in settings does not change the color on the set page. Color will be the opposite when switching though pages during pause or training state (as color is used to differentiate those) 

  •  Long German translation of repetitions in exercise preview before starting it hides number of reps:  

  • Optionally having "edit weight: on" only for free training but not for a planned training would be nice
  • Garmin indicated there is only a translation correction that forced a change in the version number from 8.18 to 8.21

  • I have used the current layout many times now and I think it isgenerally good and works well. However, the following MUST get fixed:

    - countdown timer must remain visible - either at the top of the screen or at the current step. Currently it disappears of the screen as you progress through the steps

    - round x of y should also remain visible.
    Top segment of the screen can be reserved for these two fields (countdown and x of y). After all, you do not need to see the previous step, only the current and the next. Rep counter should also be here. As suggested by Krapfen.

    - at the bottom of a round i.e. at the last exercise of a round, you do not see the next exercise (because it is the first one). It (the first exercise of the round) should be shown as next (unless it is the last round).

    There is way too many button presses to start the workout. 2 is good (minimises accidental starts while not being annoying). Currently it is eleven (if you are selection a non-free workout)! 

  • Like you, I've used the current layout for over a month now, 4-5 times a week. IMHO, it's a mess. The number of button presses one has to make just to start a workout has doubled. The number of buttons that need to be pressed after each set just to get to a useful screen is ridiculous.

    I think it'd be as simple as keeping the screen on the rep/rest screens at the end of the set, and letting the user scroll to the list of exercises, if they want. But right now, it's too much work to stay on top of where you are. Please fix this, Garmin.

  • The new STRENGTH profile has a lot of minor, but annoying bugs. In case if I do time based set (e.g. EDT type of training) it still shows the rep count not the remaining time like previous. Also there is not possible to correct the weight and reps in a superset or triset. The auto scrolling is also frustrating. For the first sight the new layout seemed better but all this small details (and the lack of possibility to delete workouts before the 8,37 ) are less functional and less efficient. I know most of the people will never realize the true potential in the strength training profile hence they only use the running feature of the watchso porbsbly that’s why the strength training left behind by the developers. 

  • Dear Garmin,

    Any update on this? 

    Not being able to see the remaining time in the current step is a major issue and it needs addressing. It has been several month.

    Would be appreciated!

  • +1 for the suggested improvements.

    Especially not seeing the weights for upcoming exercises is annoying, because I would like to prepare everything during the break.

    And keeping track of the last used weight (and reps) for each exercise would be such a great improvement! Right now I have to edit the weights on Garmin Connect after each workout, which is just not intuitive.

  • Why are we not able to tap/select a step in list and get the written custom Notes as you can if you tap in details list.

  • I just found out that the exercise list is supposed to show the weight, it just my unnecessary long German localization that pushes that off-screen, always. So seems they gave it more thought than I credited.

    So I created a bug report on that:

  • I just noticed that skipped groups are added to a menu where you can select them and repeat them at your own discretion.

    Might be useful for those that have to share equipment and want to work through a preconfigured workout.

    Also I summarized my remaining issues here:

  • Updated my initial post, removing one fixed item and adding some more bugs.