Performance Stats never update

My Vo2 max has remained steady for 12 months.  It used to switch up or down by one or two depending on activities.  It dropped by a couple randomly last year and never moved again.  I know vo2 can plateau if you are consistent but surely with some recent personal bests it should improve slightly.  

My Lactate Threshold was last detected in January 2023.  I wear an HR chest strap for almost every run.  I incorporate easy/interval/long workouts 6 days a week.  I exceeded my marathon predicted time on the watch a few weeks ago. LT would periodically update by itself (it's on auto on the watch) but not a thing for almost 18 months now.  The data fields are just blank.  

Surely there should be some variation in these over this period of time or at least some data in the LT to show it is being picked up even if no change at all?

Top Replies

  • Hello

    I am sorry to hear you are not seeing the V02 max for your activities. For this, you will want to confirm some specific for your activities: 

    • Ensure you are specifically recording one of these…

All Replies

  • Hello

    I am sorry to hear you are not seeing the V02 max for your activities. For this, you will want to confirm some specific for your activities: 

    • Ensure you are specifically recording one of these outdoor activities with GPS
      • Run
      • Trail Run (Ensure this is enabled in the settings: Menu, Activities and Apps, Trail Run, Trail Run Settings, Record VO2 max)
      • Ultra Run (Ensure this is enabled in the settings: Menu, Activities and Apps, Ultra Run, Ultra Run Settings, Record VO2 max)
      • Walking
      • Cycle (only when paired with a power meter)
    • Your activity needs to include 10 min. of consecutive minute with 70% of your Max HR or higher. (20 min minimum for Cycling)
    • If using a Indoor Trainer for Cycling activities, Garmin watch would still need to be used to record the activity. 

    If you are still not seeing the VO2 max number effected, I would recommend also trying a hard reset on the watch. For this, hold the Light button until the watch shuts off, as opposed to selecting power off. Then power this on again. 

  • Before a hard reset I would check the data in

    There you have two decimals for the Garmin VO2MAX.