Sunrise/sunset suddenly incorrect

I noticed during the past couple weeks that the sunrise/sunset times on my Fenix 6S are incorrect.

I'm in Ontario, Canada, with sunrise around 6:30am and sunset around 8:15pm this time of the year. But my watch tells me the sunrise is at 10:25 and sunset at 0:16 - so it's about 4 hours off.  Not only that, but it also believes that the sun is not currently out even though it is, and tells me sunrise will come in almost 18 hours. As a result, the blue line tracking that goes out of bounds.

I haven't changed anything on the watch, so I wonder if that happened after an update. Time is set to auto and it shows correctly on the main watch face. I already tried syncing the time with my phone a few times but that didn't fix the sunrise/sunset issue.  Anyone having the same problem or with a possible fix?