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Fenix 6x Pro Solar - strange behavior

I have a Garmin Fenix 6X Pro Solar with 16.73 beta installed and connected to iphone 12 pro. 2 days ago the watch disconnected from the phone and i do not manage to reconnect-it. I reset all the settings, reset to factory settings(from the watch menu and from buttons combination)  , try to downgrade tot 16.70, nothing is working, try with different phones. I try also to downgrade with WebUpdater and pre-boot mode and this is the error message and i have noticed that the watch id is 0:

Every time when i reboot the watch the time is 23:14 and the date is Monday, July 28th, in Battery Saver mode. I don't have any widget installed and if i want to add one there is no widget to install in the list. I don't have activity list to chose from. 

Sometimes after power off/power on i have this power menu:

and some times i stuck on Loading Maps screen:

When i connect the watch to my mac and i start Garmin Express the application get stuck. If first i start the Garmin Express, the application is working normally and if i connect the watch, the app froze. 

Any ideea?