Bug in 13.10 - Battery drain on Fenix 6S Pro

Battery drain is horrendous after the 13.10 update! The battery drained 20% in 1 hour with no activities being recorded.  I tried reset to factory settings. See how that goes. Very poor update. Garmin Fenix S Pro here.

  • I only had the "severe" battery drain once as I have written previous.

    Only a 6S so no WiFi.

    BT always on, always connected to phone.

    My phone with me when running or cycling indoors or outdoors for several hours (no headset) "normal" battery usage.

    MoveIQ is on.

    I shure there is something strange going on related to BT in some special cases that consumes a lot of battery.

    In my case it was BT data that was not to or from watch it self only in close proximity.

    Regarding to WiFi please remember that ver b,g,n & ax(wifi6) is or can be on 2.4GHz same freq. as BT so that's maybe why it is wifi that consumes  battery for some users.

    Watch is probably using same chip for all data communications incl. ANT+ except for GPS.

  • Well i disconnected BT yesterday and almost 24 hours later I only have 2% battery drain. 

  • so I tried today to disconnect the phone from the watch (menu-phone-status = off. 

    And went biking 1h40 minutes, 20% of battery down. ANT+ powermeter was on, ANT+ hr cheststrap was on.

    So battery drain continues and still no reply from garmin te to my email :-(( (many days have past)

  • yes i spoke too soon and turning bluetooth off moderately helped..... Please make sure to send garmin an email. i don't know what else could be the issue

  • Just to add a data point, not to say no one has a problem - 

    I had a larger than normal burn rate.  Went down 11% over 20 hours with no activities or unusual usage after it updated to 13.10.  Which for me is high.  Fenix 6X sapphire, 13 months old. 

    I turned off Wifi just to make a change, took a. battery reading, waited several hours, recorded the new battery value, turned wifi back on, took another reading, etc and so on.  I recorded the battery before runs and immediately after to get burn rate during the two runs during this time frame. 

    I then took the total battery used for each time frame, divided it by the time which gave me the percentage per hour.   

    An interesting thing is the burn rates are not necessarily consistent and off hand I don't have a solid reason why.   Because i don't have a histogram I don't know if the 2 blocks of time that it spiked to .2x percent if there was a short duration high spike that skewed it or if it was a steady state burn at that rate.  My current SWAG is I may have spent more time at the edge of BT range during those higher usage and the watch used extra power to try and reconnect but it's total guess. 

    Run settings - GPS+Glonass, Stryd Power CIQ, custom CIQ I wrote, 6 total data screens with 2 data fields on 4 of them.  BT Music on to Aftershockz Aeroplex.   Stryd and Scosche 24 connected by ANT.   Did NOT have my phone with me so which would usually have Livetrack running as well for my significant running others.

    Burn rate per hour
    Time in HH:MM
    0.27% 13:21 Wifi Off
    0.15% 9:42 Wifi on for the rest
    0.24% 6:02
    6.30% 85 min Run Activity
    0.19% 3:51
    0.14% 13:16
    0.13% 4:40
    4.98% 38 min Run Activity
  • For me just not having the gc app and background refresh in ios has seemed to fix my issue. I am good with that and not sure why I had background refresh in ios settings anyway as I don’t use the weather widget and don’t need to sync all the time. 

  • changing watch OS to windows 10 helped.

  • Update time and watch seems to be fine now ever since I closed the GC app on my phone and disabled background app refresh.  
    Wifi is still on and BT is connected to my phone now and very little drain now for anyone wondering.

  • I went cycling today, 2h 15min (watch disconnected from phone) in the watch menu, and on top of it at the end I forgot the phone home. 

    So was hoping for minimum drain, unfortunatelly, this trip took 20+ % of battery (better than yesterday with phone connected, but still way too much). 

    So mystery drain continues. 

  • Same here! I already made a complete factory reset of the watch with no success. Please Grmin, fix this!