Battery drain is horrendous after the 13.10 update! The battery drained 20% in 1 hour with no activities being recorded. I tried reset to factory settings. See how that goes. Very poor update. Garmin Fenix S Pro here.
Battery drain is horrendous after the 13.10 update! The battery drained 20% in 1 hour with no activities being recorded. I tried reset to factory settings. See how that goes. Very poor update. Garmin Fenix S Pro here.
For years I've always found my watch will drain battery faster than usual (forerunners and now Fenix). A few years back, after trial and error, I've found that after new update, if I switch off the watch…
I solved this issue according to this recommendation. Removing related file solved it, now I have magnificent battery life as far as I tested. In 24 hours with 1.5 hour running activity + heart rate sensor…
Same for me. The update went fine. Suddenly after charging the fenix, I do have a battery drain: 30% during the night in battery mode. Normal was 1-2%. It is strange because the update was a few weeks…
I am trying for days, I installed since I have the watch all the betas since 8xx.
It is an indicator of a problem from my perspective same setup, same use of the watch with 12.20 I had no big issues, 12.77 beta had a higher but still ok battery consumption.
I have Wi-Fi off, pulse ox off, prior to 13.00 beta and 13.10 official I could do 3 bike trips and I would still have plenty of battery left.
Now after a bike ride of 1h I loose like 30-35% of battery. Last Sunday's trip of 4h and my battery went from 100 to 35%. ( I do this 4-5h trips a lot for the whole season, so I can compare, that the watch is working/behaving differently now
So there is definitely something wrong, either with the watch of the software.
I tried re-install of FW , I tried re-install of connect, factory defaults on the watch.
Nothing is helping at all, additionally now even pairing is a pain.
so looks like the problem is the watch phone sync (no idea if it is watch or phone or connect app. (will try another phone).
I Am now on 11.10 with gps 4.40 and Ant/ble 5.04.
Left BT connection to phone off, in 8h the battery vent down 2% which is not great but good, one could live with it.
Just now I turned on the phone sync, I am down 3% in less than an hour.
So looks like it is either my phone, or the watch is......
Looks like it is not the issue of the 13.10 FW. :-(.
I wrote to outdoorbeta@garmin lets see if someone responds.
Both phones are Android. (mine xiaomimix 2s with A10, the other one is S20 Ultra 5G.
Maybe the phone is the problem. I have used Fenix devices (3HR, 5X+ and 6X Pro Solar) for four years, with the 6X Pro Solar for the past year. I have never experienced unusual battery drain with any of the watches or any firmware version.
I only use Samsung phones - S7, S10+, Note 20 Ultra 5G. Could it be that there is some problem with your Xiaomi and possibly how the app and watch operate with it? Garmin can't test every phone on the planet, after all, so maybe some phones just do something a bit different.
This is why I would encourage people with problems to always contact Garmin. By all means write in the forum, but for a technical solution Garmin needs to be told too.
I have used approach golf watch, fenix 5, fenix 6 for many years, the xiaomi phone I have for 2 years, I also have never experienced the drain, until 13.10.
There was no update on the phone lately that could be a reason for the phone to misbehave, I tried now also on a huawei phone and agian back to mix2s.
Back to 13.10 (staying on GPS 4.8 for now).
first sync with connect phone app after update took almost 2h and drained the battery from 32% to 6 :-))),
now again the sync is fast and back to normal on both phones. CRAZY. Let's see how the battery will perform
I don't know how long it's going to take Garmin to identify and fix this serious bug. I've been reading about sudden extreme battery drain after update for several months, and I figured it was an isolated issue until it happened to me with 12.10 RC and 12.20. Eventually I RMAed the watch and the replacement is fine under 12.20 and now 13.10. No idea what the problem was or whether they're learning anything from my returned watch that would lead to a fix.
Just to update on my situation. I contacted Garmin Support, and they had me backup the data using Garmin Express, and then delete all of my activities on the watch. So far, it seems to have fixed the problem. They said something about potentially corrupt files, although I did not observe the large battery drain until after updating to 13.10. So maybe give that a try?
@3704102 thx I have done that will check the result in the morning and while biking
Before update from 12.20 t0 13.10 I have charged 6X once a week, but after - 2 times a week, the same activities, everything the same!
Before update from 12.20 t0 13.10 I have charged 6X once a week, but after - 2 times a week, the same activities, everything the same!
I had the same issues with 60% drain/day at least.
Decided to a full reset, and works perfectly since.
So I presume it was something downloaded causing the issue. Haven’t added many Apps/Widgets/etc back since and still no battery issues at all with 13.10.